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You are (Y/n) (L/n) from Canada. You were moving to Paris, France. That means new house, new friends, new school, and new everything. Yay... You didn't like the idea that much but you couldn't do anything. You probably weren't going to make a lot of friends. You aren't fat just have a little bit of chub. It never bothered you and no one ever pointed it out or made fun of you for it. You weren't a social butterfly and didn't have many friends. The friends you did have always left you out of things. You just stuck to your music and have 3 cats, a little brother, and your mom. You got along with your brother sometimes but not all the time.

Your cats are Dean, a fluffy grey cat with beautiful green eyes. Lilian, a cream and brown cat with ice blue eyes, the brown was on the bottom of her paws and her back, tail, and forehead. Last but not least is Chunka Wonka, a brown medium lengthen fur cat with green eyes to match his dads. Lilian is yours, Dean is your moms, and Chunka Wonka is your little brothers. Lilian loved you and always slept with you just like Chunka Wonka except he followed you around too. Your little brothers name is Luke. You have an older brother and sister but they don't live with you.

You're 13 but about to turn 14. Luke is 3 years and 3 days younger then you. Your sister is 2 years older then you and your older brother is 7 year older then you. You gave up on life and people 2 years ago.It was hard to make you smile and laugh at school but at home it was hard to make you stop. You freaked out over things about fandoms and you're a big fangirl.

Right now you are on the plane to Paris listening to music.

Is anybody there?

Does anybody care

What I'm feeling?

I wanna disappear

So nobody can hear

Me when I'm screaming

'Cause I can use a hand sometimes

Yeah, I could use a hand sometimes

They say

Pain is an illusion

This is just a bruising

You are just confused

But I am only human

I could use a hand sometimes

I am only human

I am only human

I am only human

The night is bitter cold

I wonder if you know

That I am sleepless

Waiting like a ghost

When I need you the most

I go unnoticed

'Cause I can use a hand sometimes

Yeah, I could use a hand sometimes

They say

Pain is an illusion

This is just a bruising

You are just confused

But I am only human

I could use a hand sometimes

I am only human

I am only human

The weight of the world

Is pulling me down

Where are you now?

Where are you now?

Every breath feels

Like I'm gonna drown

Where are you now?

Where are you now?

Am I the only one

Left alone on this earth

Singing this song

But I can't find the words

'Cause I could use a hand sometimes

Yeah, I could use a hand sometimes

They say

Pain is an illusion

This is just a bruising

You are just confused

But I am only human

I could use a hand sometimes

I am only human

That's what you did the whole trip. Sit in the seat listening to music for the 10 hour trip. Ok, really it's only 9 hours and 45 minutes.

Time skip new house

You made it to the new house and looked at it. It's painted light green with a black garage door and front door. It has a small garden and flower boxes on the windows. It has a small tree in the front yard and a white six foot fence went around the yard. It has a stone path way leading to the front door and freshly cut green grass. It was beautiful. You pulled into the drive way and parked. You started moving boxes, totes, and other stuff. You walked into your room and it was (f/c) with (s/f/c) stars. Half way up the wall it started to slant where the roof is.

You quickly set to work at unpacking. After an hour or two you were done for the day. It wasn't finished but half way done wasn't bad. You looked at the clock to see it was 9:53. You got into bed and listened to music to fall asleep. After all you had school tomorrow. 

Thanks (Adrien / Chat Noir x chubby! reader)Where stories live. Discover now