The Dinner

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Oliver's Point of View

I can't believe Callie just rejected me! She loves me! She just wants to hide it! I tried to stop her but this guy, who I am guessing is the 'husband', came and threatened me! that won't last long. I will get Callie even of I have to hurt those she and I love!

"Ollie! We are going to Jude's adopted families house for dinner with Donald in 30 minutes!" my mom tells me. I hope Callie is there!

Callie's Point of View

I finished telling Brandon everything Oliver did to me and now we are going to the house for dinner.

"Cal you ready?" Brandon shouts from the living room.

"Almost!" I yell back.

"Is it almost in girl years or boy years?" he shouts again and I laugh.

"It's in Callie years." I say as I walk out to him.

"Good! lets go!" he kisses my temple and we walk out to the car.

Every Monday we all (twins, Callie, B, Jude, Donald, and Mike) gather at Lena's for dinner as a family. And on Fridays we either go out or everyone comes to Brandon and I's place. We all are still really involved with each other and want to spend time as a family.

We pull up to the house and get out and get inside.

"Callie!" Marianna squeals coming towards me.

"Hello to you too Mari!" I say back.

"There is a really cute boy joining us for dinner!" she whispers in my ear. I walk into view of him and freeze.

"Oh shit!" I say and turn around and walk to find Brandon.

"Callie? What's wrong?" Marianna asks me while grabbing my arm.

"I will tell you later but stay away from him! Don't let him talk you into anything."

"Why? Callie your scaring me!"

"I am sorry! he is a psychopath!"


"Seriously! I will tell you later! I promise." she let's go and I go around trying to find Brandon. I go into the living room and he is playing video games with Mike, Jude, Jesus and my dad.

"Brandon can I talk to you?" I say and he gets up and follows me outside.

"What's up?" he asks totally oblivious.

"Oliver is here!" I tell him and he freezes.


"I mean as he is in the kitchen helping Lena make food! What do we do?"

"We watch him all night because if we accuse him of anything he will deny it all the way. Just don't freak out around him. Nothing will happen I promise!" he says grabbing my hands.

"Ok but the second he tries anything or does something wrong he is out!"

"Yes! Like I told him earlier!" he smiles and I kiss him lightly and we go back inside.

Dinner is ready so we sit at the big table. I sit in between Brandon and Jude and Oliver sits across from me with his mother.

"Ok so we are welcoming Oliver and his mother Tracy at dinner with us! They are old friends of Callie, Jude, and Donald so please be nice!" Lena announces. We all nod and start eating.

"So where did you two used to live?" Jesus asks.

"We lived in San Francisco just recently but we were in Texas for most Oliver's life."

"Wait so Callie and Jude are from Texas?" Marianna asks.

"Yeah." I tell her.

"Did you like it there?" Oliver asks me.

"My least favorite memories were there." I say staring straight at him. I feel Brandon put his hand on my thigh and I relax a bit.

"Oh because of the accident right?" my dad asks giving me the look of 'don't be rude!'

"Not just that it was the people there too. So full of themselves!" I am still staring at Oliver. "They think that everyone will do what ever they say, like the own everyone." I am referring to Oliver but the only ones who know that are Brandon and Oliver.

"They aren't so bad!" Tracy says. "We are Texans!"

"Born but not raised." I say looking at her now. "Excuse me." I say getting up and going outside for some air. I hear footsteps behind me and look to see Brandon.

"That wasn't obvious at all!"

"I was testing him, seeing if he would break!"

"I have another test. We still have to the family that you are pregnant."

"Yes. But Lena and Marianna already know. I came to them yesterday."

"Ok. well let's get back inside!" he grabs my hand and we walk inside and sit back down.

"Are you ok?" Jude whispers in my ear when I sit and I just nod.

We eat and talk for a while until it gets to desert. I look at Brandon and nod.

"We have news for the family..." Brandon says aloud.

"What is it?" Mike asks him and Lena and Marianna smile at me.

"Callie's pregnant." Brandon says and everyone gets excited and congratulates us.

We clean up and Oliver pulls me aside.

"Are your serious?!" he asks me.

"I'm sorry?!"

"You love me not him!"

"No I don't! I didn't even know who you were until today!"

"You knew me when you were younger! We are in love!" he yells pretty loud and Brandon starts to come over. I start to turn away but he grabs me again. Next thing I know I see Brandon punch him in the face.

"GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE NOW!" Brandon screams but Oliver gets up and punches B back. They get into a full blown fight and I start yelling and crying.

"STOP!" Mike and my dad run in and get them off of each other. "Oliver needs to leave!" I say and my dad takes him outside. I look over at Brandon and his lips is bloody and his eyes are bruised.

"What the hell was that?!" Mike yells.

"I told him not to touch her again, he didn't listen. Brandon walks into the kitchen to get cleaned up.

"Callie? do you know something about this?" Mike ask me.

"He can't come here again!" I tell him and go into the kitchen to help Brandon.

"Are you ok?" I asks Brandon and wipe his mouth off.

"Yeah I am fine."

"What even happened?" Marianna asked.

"Long story short he is a crazy psychopath!" I tell her and she laughs.

"That's mean!" Lena says to us. M

"It's not mean if it is true!" Brandon says and we all laugh.

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