Chapter 9 - Boxing Match

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 My eyes fell to the floor again as I fought the tears so hard it actually hurt. I knew that if I were to blink one would escape. I couldn't cry. I've done enough crying. It's time to set all of that aside and be brave. My friends need me to be brave. Dad needs me to be brave. Even Eric needs me to be brave. It's just hard to do that when I'm too scared to even close my eyes and fall asleep.

 "It's not right," I said, my voice fragile. "What happened to her,"

 "It's never right when it's someone so young," said Dad.

 I finally gave in, blinking and allowing a large tear to fall into my lap. It felt better, getting it out. "Yet it always seems to happen, you know? Zoe, Erica, even Matt, they all had so much ahead of them,"

 Erica's death has been even harder for me to accept. I know she and I didn't exactly get along, but she didn't deserve to die. She's been gone for so long I guess I just keep pretending that she's still missing. We simply haven't found her yet, that's all.

 "Life has a pretty cruel sense of humor, doesn't it?" Dad said.

 I huffed out my nostrils, forcing the corners of my lips upwards. I wasn't quite sure if he was trying to be funny or not. Still, I couldn't help but feel that what he said is true. It's like life has this way of giving you exactly what you wanted at the exact wrong time. But, sometimes, beautiful things are happening all around us. We just don't think to look.

 "I really," I paused, sucking in a breath. "I really thought it was over when we saved Jackson from being the kanima. I finally felt normal again. I wasn't constantly looking over my shoulder or jumping at every noise I couldn't see. I'm stupid for thinking that things could be like they used to again,"

 Dad sighed, pressing his lips together into a flat line. He walked around the island, moving to stand next to me. He rubbed a hand along my shoulder. His act of comfort and kindness made it more difficult to hold in the tears that have been taunting my eyes. I quickly wiped one away after it made its escape.

 "I know that this world we live in doesn't exactly make things easy," said Dad. He cupped his hand around the side of my face, his light blue eyes not leaving my dark ones. "But it has made you so strong,"

 I shook my head. "I'm not strong,"

 "Are you kidding me?" Dad exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "Did you see yourself fight off that werewolf at the pool? It was incredible,"

 "She would have ripped my throat out if you hadn't shown up," I said, and his face fell.

 He looked around for a moment, either searching for the courage to say something or for something to say at all. "Emma, when are you going to realize that just winning battles isn't what makes you strong?"

 I blinked at him, unsure what brought upon all of this philosophy tonight. I wondered if Melanie's efforts to get him into reading have finally worked. He used to love reading, mostly because Mom did, but he stopped after the accident.

 "Back in my boxing days, do you really think I won every match?" He continued. "It's just not possible. Even Rocky fell down once or twice, but he didn't let that stop him. Every time I got beat, it made me a better boxer. I found my weaknesses, and I found ways to make them better. Life's just like one long and drawn out boxing match, Emma, that's all."

 His simile actually made me crack a smile. He would be one to compare life to boxing. Although, I kind of agree with him. You get knocked down and beat up, but you keep going, because making it to the end is what we're all working towards, really.

 He brought his hands up and around my face again. "So don't you ever again think that you're not strong. You've been through a lot, we all have, but we're still here, and we're still fighting."

Oblivion (A Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf Fanfiction) [3]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora