Chapter 5

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What are you suppose to say or do when the person you thought was a one night stand is now in front of you. To top it off, that supposed one night stand is your new boss! I'm frozen in place, and from the look on his face I can only guess he was expecting this.

"Joseph come introduce yourself to David."

"Don't worry Mr. Louis, Joseph and I know each other very well, you can say we connected in many ways in Vegas."

"Oh very nice! So this would be easy on both then. Well then Mr.David why don't we go over the agreement and make sure all is set?"

"Sounds good."

"Joseph why don't you return to your desk."

Hearing Mr. Louis voice broke me from the frozen state. I nodded my head and made my way out, as I was passing David, I felt his hand brush against mine. I couldn't stop myself from blushing. Once at my desk I did tried to go back to work, but knowing he was there only a few feet from me I couldn't concentrate.

I tried to go back to work, I even flicked some water onto my face but nothing work. I decided to call May.

"Hey, J whats up?"

"May! You'll never guess who is here!"


"My one night from Las Vegas! He's here talking to your uncle."

"You're lying! Are you serious?! Holy shit dude why is he there?!"

"He's going to be the new CEO, oh my god can you believe it? I knew I should have just stayed back and not gone with him!"

"J relax! If you let him know that what you guys had was just a one time, theres nothing to worry about!"

"I know but it doesn't change the fact I slept with the future boss of the company. I don't know what to do May!"

"Stop don't overthink it, just continue  to do what you do and as long he doesn't bring it up you'll be good!"

"You're right, ok, I'll just take it easy. Thanks babe."

"No problem, Love you!"

"Haha love you too!"

With that I hung up, when I tried to go back to work I heard someone cleat their throat, I looked up and the devil was there. No I'm kidding he wasn't there but close enough. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

"So does your lover know about your extra activity that you had in Vegas?" 

"Excuse me?! How are you to ask me personal questions about my relationship? And I'm not in a relationship that was my best friend asshole!" 

I was fuming, he's making me sound like some 2 cent whore! 

"So you don't have a partner?"

"NO! Now if you can excuse yourself and let me continue my work, that would be greatly appreciated."

He didn't move an inch so I decided to just to continue to do my work and ignore him until he left. All of sudden I felt my chair be spun around and his lips on my lips. It took me a few seconds to process what's going and I finally came around I pushed him off.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? What if someone came in? What  made you think it was ok to kiss me out of the blue?"

"Ever since I saw you in the club in Vegas, I knew I wanted you for myself. When we spent the night together my desire for you just increased. "

"I told you I had no interest in continuing that, it was a one night stand! Meaning after that night we were supposed to go on with our own life."

"I can't and I won't let you forget about me. I'll use anything I can to make  sure you stay by my side."

I began to shake my head, "Listen I seriously have no interest in you, you were just good fuck and thats it. You're wasting your time on me, its best if you find someone else."

He pulled me up and held me tight, seeing his face this close made me see is bright blue eyes. They were gorgeous I could stare in them forever

"I know right no you don't feel the same but Ill be damned if I don't try to win you over. Ill use anything I can, my connection, my money, anything that will make sure you fall in love with me."

With that he pecked my lips and left. I sat back down, still feeling the tingling sensation on my lips. I couldn't help but blush and smile. I never had that feeling not even with Michael. With Michael I did feel his kisses but I didn't feel the sparks.

God this man is making me confuse! NO! Joseph remember we decide to give dating a break. Plus I couldn't possibly date him especially now that he's the new CEO, people are going to think it was special treatment. I don't want anyone thinking I got where I am by sleeping. 

From this moment Im going to try and forget the kiss, and just keep it professional between us. How hard can it be?

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