Looking back to that night

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*Flash Back*

I laughed as my dad put on my graduation hat, mocking me and telling me stories of his times in school and university. Today is the big day. I am graduating from my Masters Degree in medicine. I have been studying to become a nurse, or at best a doctor; “aim high and you can do anything” my dad always said to me, he was my influence, my role model, my best friend, he is the reason I am here today.

I smiled at him as he walked me to my seat and kissed my forehead and placed the graducation hat to its rightful place, my head. My father turn my head, looking me deap into my eyes.

"my dearest Gabrielle, no matter what happens tonight, just remember that i will always love you and i am so proud of the beautiful women you have become". My dad said, tears filling his eyes. 

"Dad, what are you talking about? I am just graduating. Nothing bad will happen tonight". I was confused. I had no idea what my father was talking about. I didn't think it meant anything more then 'I am proud that you have gone this far' , but i was wrong. Nothing beyond my wildest imaginations could have thought that what my father was talking about was his own death.

The later that night, i found my father on the roadside curve, drowning in his own blood, hes neatly cut grey tuxedo had changed its colour to a deep red. I ren up to my dad, he still had a shred of life left in him. He cupped my right cheek with his left hand. "You are strong. You are capable of anything. Aim high Gabrielle. You will be one of the best". 

My eyes were blinded with tears. I couldn't see my own father anymore. I heard someone moving behind me. Ruttering around with something. I was alarmed and turned around, only to face a men with a gun pointing to my body. 

"Come any closer and i will kill you too". The men said, his voice breaking as if he was crying.

I held my hands up in surrender. Still not being able to see well because of the tears blocking my vision.

My crying increased when i heard my dad whispering for me to run.

"Why?" i said to the men with the gun, almost screaming out of pain and sorrow.

"I had too," the men said holding the gun closer to were my heart is.

"Why?" i said again, this time whispering, still crying.

The men started to back away, still holding the gun to me.

"because he killed my child". The men backed away further repeating "my son for your father" "my son for your father". And within a second, the man was out of site. I turned around to face my father. He was still. Not moving. Not breathing. His eyes still open. I bent down to my knees, and closed his two eyes, using my middle and my index finger, while still my crying out all the pain i had. 

Nobody was around, the streets were bare. All i wanted to do was scream. And i did. I screamed out loud all the pain i had right now for what seemed like hours.

Something shone in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see what was glowing so bright.

Gun. The gun the man had pointed to my heart, and the gun the man had shot my father with.

I walked over to it, its brightness burning my eyes alittle. Bending down to my knees, i picked up the metal gun, holding it in my right hand. Holding the gun, i felt strong. Still bending on my knees, i looked over my shoulder to the man who raised me, who helped me because the women i am now, those 17 years of my life now gone. I was not letting someone get away with this. I looked back to the gun.

"You are strong. You are capable of anything. Aim high Gabrielle. You will be one of the best" , those were the last words my father had said to me. I stood up, gun still in my hand and turned my head over my shoulder to face my now dead father and said "I will be strong, I will aim high and i will be the best. I am doing this for you". I turned around and walked away into the direction the killer had ren away too. 

I will find him. And i will get my revenge.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2012 ⏰

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Pretty Girl Killer - Following in my fathers footsteps, Seeking RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now