Earlier weeks? Idk

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Sorry guys, it is currently midnight where I live and I'm trying to write this chapter, I wasn't gonna do this but since I didn't go into detail I am, but anyway, I am gonna continue to publish chapters on Mondays but since I am rlly tired I'm not gonna write tonight (technically when you guys read this it will be Tuesday so it would be in not gonna write yesterday night so that's weird) but I'm so sorry guys!

Anyways, I didn't go into much detail on what happened with the team while Skye was in a coma so this chapter is gonna be about that, so it will probably be a little shorter than the others.

Coulsons POV
"Sorry Skye I didn't know this would happen, I'm so sorry! It's my fault!" I can't believe this happened! It's all my fault! My fault she's like this, my fault she's raising a child on her own, my fault she has no money. I've made her life a living hell. "Please forgive me Skye! I will do everything I can to make it up to you and this little girl" I said pointing at Lexi who was fast asleep in his lap. Over the next couple weeks, I was a basket case. Going from mission to visiting Skye then back to another mission. I'd see Skye every chance I got, every time her heart stopped my heart stopped too! In the short time she was in the bus with us, I grew to love the young hacker like she was my own daughter. That moment I got the call that she was awake, was the best moment of my life!

Mays POV
I couldn't let my emotions show! Every time I saw Skye I felt like I was about to break down, seeing her little girl was hard, knowing that I had a part in making this little girl fatherless for the past years of her life. I couldn't handle seeing Skye and Lexi so I stayed away, I made sure I was kept informed of Skye's condition but I couldn't see her, it was too hard. As soon as I heard she was awake though, I went running to the hospital.

Fitzsimmons POV
We both stayed in the lab mostly, we hooked up w camera in Skye's room so we were constantly monitoring her but it hurt both if us too bad to see her like that. As they were looking over past medical records of hers, shocked at what they found, they got the call. They were out of the bus, which was parked near the hospital at the moment, faster than may and Coulson!

So short chapter I know but it's 1 am and I am going to a friends house so I wanna get some sleep. If you noticed I didn't do Ward, it was because he was in the last chapter and it said what he was doing. Anyways I am so sorry for not posting this yesterday, I was really busy and really tired but I will try and make sure I have the next chapter uploaded by next Monday and hopefully it will be longer👍 thanks for reading and please R&R

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