Chapter 6

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Not edit so alot of mistakes.

Dedicated to MZLOVE


Yoobin POV

     Since sitting and saying the grace, I haven't lift my head. How could I, if I do, I'm going meet the gaze of one of them. Them, the ones who haven't stop looking at me since they step inside the house and sat at the dinner table.  The others were laughing, Martin was eye raping my mom as always. I couldn't eat, what if the food goes down the wrong pipe. There was no way  I could look them in the eyes again. It would've been best to just die. I won't eat, that's it. But i'm so hungry.  I could feel it, if I put it off any more my stomach will growl and that would be an even bigger embarrassment.

        Slowly, yeah. Eat slowly and smaller portion and don't look at them when you do.

Everything came crashing down when I moan as soon has the food touched my tongue. Everyone in the room laugh.

"Finally," said Martin while feeding my brother. "I thought you weren't going to take a bite. You were so deep in thought. I guess hunger won." I could feel my face warmed. All the blood rush toward my face.  Everyone just laugh even more. I dare not look up but it got the best of me. When I do, they both were looking at me while smiling. Their gazes were so piercing, I couldn't look a way if I wanted to. If it wasn't for Bradley asking about school, I wouldn't have looked away.

"Made any new friend? Enemies?"

Britney and Ashley came to mind. But didn't confirm anything.  "I've made a friend, Luna is here name. Short, shy, and cute," also timid, tense, anti-social, clumsy, "with a weird sense of fashion but she can pull it off."

"Luna Conner," asked Johnny.

"We didn't offer last names." I told him taking another bite of the chicken. It was so good I couldn't stop another moan. I could only groan in my head when they all laugh again.

When's this dinner going to end, dying off in my room will be lest embarrassment.

Laim POV

       I watch her groan as another blush creep up on her. She was just too cute and beautiful wrap up in one. After He had drove home with Edward behind him to talk about what they were going to do, Luna had came knocking on his door to tell him what Ashley and Britney, the school "hit" girls had said to her. I could tell she didn't want to make her mother worry so she hadn't answered the questing about having enemies. She din't have to worry, he nor Ed had spare a glance at the Bruno sisters since they had start school and they wasn't going to start now. His eyes watch her has she move around the living room, we were all getting ready to watch a movie. He could tell she was trying to avoid them.

           Looking at Ed he smile then nod, he too could tell she was trying to avoid them. They was no way they would allow her to do that. She's theirs-one of them to love. After we got home and listen to Luna, we had talked about what we were going to do. If this were the early years when two wolves were mate to one girl we would've had to fight to death but Ed and I won't allow that. We had been friends since babies and both promise we won't let anything come in between us.


Not even the mate we share, so we were going to go at it like men, wolves we are. Try to win her heart at once. Details still have to workout and we have to talk our parents and Martin together but for now we'll go at it together.  Our parents have been trying to help.  Ed had told his parents like I did mine. One thing; She's my mate. When Yoobin had excuse herself to use the bathroom and her mom helping Martin with the dessert, they had pull our parents together and told them.

"Yes, Yoobin is both our mate." I said to them.

"She's avoiding us, we'll talk later." said Ed.

"Help us."   

  that's what they were trying to do, everyone had taken a seat, with only him, Yoobin and Ed standing. The closest seat was to her brother. But he won't allow it, signalling Ed we move fast, sat in our seats. The one in the middle left for her to take. From the Corner of my eyes and I know Ed did the same, I watch her look at him, me, then the seat. She bite into her bottom lip.

An innocent gesture to show that she was uncertain. It send my boiling pumping, heart beating and the beast demands to take her. But help back. Finally after debating she sat down. Ed nor I made any cheesy moves on her has the movie began.

 Not now but soon. Soon they will do any and everything to win her.

Soon, she will be mine. Alone.


"She's both your mates" said Ed's mom, concern in her eyes and voice. I look around at everyone in the living room. Yoobin, her brother and mother left ten minutes before. It was pain to see her leave, I wanted to follow her, but the sooner he let his parents and the whole pack know the better.

Ed and Martin took deep breaths time and time again.

        "Then, that means-" she continued. Looking at my mom.

"no," Ed and I cut her off simultaneously. "No fighting."

"Then what will you two do?"

"Do it the natural way, woo her. At the same time. We both agree that whosoever she chooses, the one one will be there for him." replied, Ed.

 "She's not a bottle of water you two can pass between the two of you." my mom said hotly.

"She's not, but you would like us to fight until death?" Silence.

No one said a word. We all turn to Martin, he had the final word, has our alpha, our pack leader. And with Yoobin being his mate child, she was his too.

 "Yes, I understand what you're saying." He looked at us. All playfulness vanish from his eyes. " You two know what I will do to you if you don't woo her perfectly."

"Yes, sir!" 

"we heard her coming over again for dinner tomorrow. we want you to put in some good word for us. How we're good boys." I said to Martin, him along with our parents looked at us like we're crazy.

we all got up to leave.

   At the door, Ed and I turn to each other. Has befriends, we know everything about each other.

Our good and bad habits.

"Let the best wolf wins." Said Martin, when Ed and I shook hands.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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