Male Esmeralda/Reader - Purity Amongst Outcasts Part 1

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The world was wild, full of wicked sin and vice everywhere you turned, there were always liars, cheaters, debauchees, murderers, all of them hell-bound sinners all the same everywhere you looked. There on this Earth purity was missing and the world remained full of unruly vile evil corruption. Purity was nowhere to be seen within this tainted world as the hand of sin left nothing untouched, but he was desperate enough to cling onto to what he called purity and claimed it as his own and his alone. You were his purity, you were untouched by the world's sinful infliction and literally godsend, or so that is what he believed. This man was known as Judge Claude Frollo and he believed he had been gifted by God and his angels for his good works a girl who was as pure as Heaven's eternal light. This girl, this young woman was you and you were the only daughter of the man called Claude Frollo. In your Father's eyes you were the actual embodiment of purity, but such purity must be kept under lock and key and bound from the imperfections of the sinful world that could corrupt you if you set foot in it's filth. Claude Frollo was steadfast to make sure you were untainted by any single misdeed, and there was only one way to do that. You remained at home with your Father for your entire life. On the most rarest occasions Frollo would let you walk with him to have a break from your inclosed four walls. It was the only special time you ever got a glimpse of the real world, but you knew such a world was forbidden to you like the cursed apple of Eden. It was tempting to the eye but would only lead to your ultimate destruction in the end if taken in by its deceptive appeal. Remaining the epitome of purity for your Father was all you ever taught in life, it was all you ever knew. When you were young you obeyed your Father and listened to his every whim with complete obedience, but now as you grow older and watch the world passing by you everyday outside your balcony.

You wonder if perhaps there is something you are missing out on?

You only ever wore modest dresses and the color white as it was the color of purity, and the only color your Father permitted you to wear. The only time your Father typically let you away from home was when you went to the cathedral for mass or prayer. You remained kneeled down in front of the empty church's cross that only had your Father there and the clergy who lived there. Your bright (e/c) eyes were closed and your hands were folded in prayer as you prayed quietly to yourself, but very secretly you prayed if God could give you a chance at living the life others live without taking in corruption and foiling the purity your Father held in the highest of regards. Father always told you wanting something more than what you already have was a sin of selfishness. You had no right to be praying to God for some kind of escape from your already perfect life.

Perfect... Everything was perfect, had to be perfect, expected to be perfect. You must be perfect or you wouldn't be pure, and Father told you would be condemned to hell if you lost your purity. Your Father struck fear in your heart of this fiery devouring pit called hell, and you promised your Father you would always stay pure, just so you never would have to die and go and burn for all eternity. Your Father was talking with the Archdeacon and was complaining about the gypsies that have been running amuck throughout Paris. You only heard of the horrible wicked tales from your Father about them. They were thieves, pickpockets who practiced evil customs like witchcraft and sorcery. Such things frightened you and you couldn't imagine why anyone would practice such a dark wicked sin. However, your ideals of the gypsies have all been contrived from your Father's views on them. You have only seen faint glimpses of the gypsies when you would pass through the streets shielded by your Father and his guards that always followed you when you were outside. They appeared from first impression very different from what your Father described them as being. They were colorful vibrant people that danced and sang beautiful enlightening music. They seemed to enjoy life in their own unique way, which made the temptation of one of the 7 deadly sins flood your senses... envy. You envied the way they arose to be so full of mirth and lively unlike your own lonesome life, or at least this is what you could tell by mere observation. You would watch the gypsies sometimes when you were on your balcony, though you had to be very careful because if your Father caught you watching them, he would certainly punish you in the very physical painful ways that he usually does, but you probably deserved such physical abuse. You had no place watching and longing for a life that inevitably would lead to damnation. Your Father was trying to save you, save your purity from being tainted and your life from being damned to hell. You were being outright selfish again, your Father did what he did because he cared and loved you. At least, that is what he led you to believe...

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