It revealed the present day Scott and Emma, specifically Emma, who's happily chatting with a stranger they'd have never seen or heard of before. He was young, a little older than Magik if they had to guess. His clothes were civilian casual with nothing that stood out. He finally averted his eyes from Emma noticed them staring at him and looked away nervously scratching his (H/C) hair and avert his (E/C) eyes back to Scott.

“So these are your students?”

Cyclops gave a nod “yep, the students over there are the original X-MEN, who you know already, the girl  right by Angel is Laura and this one here Eva Bell or her code name tempest” (Y/N) first walked up to Eva holding out his hand “so your the mutant that can manipulate time, amazing” Eva smiled at the compliment “thank you” she said. Soon the students that sat at the cafeteria tables got a little interested in finding out who is this man. First one to go over and join the conversation that was sparked by Eva and (Y/N), it was Hank. Obviously he was the first because he was well mannered and respectful. The second one was Bobby who got up from the table and generate ice and slide over slowly forming ice around his body to look cool.

Two more went over and they are Angel and Laura, Angel was happy to meet him but Laura was a little skeptical. After introducing themselves they all started to ask him all kinds of questions that popped in their minds, like who was he? Where did he come from? How does he know Scott? And most of all why is here?.

“Alright, alright kids...settle down give him some room and let him breathe”

Scott ordered it and walked to him putting his gloved hand on (Y/N) smiling “This is (Y/N) (L/N), he's a mutant just like us and also a friend that anyone can trust…….if your not bad that is” the younger version of Scott and Jean walked over keeping their guards up not wanting to be surprised attack and no they're not overreacting after what happened during their time here. Everyone were silenced by the tension that randomly built up in the room.

It was mostly do to younger Scott staring at the new mutant in the facility and Jean trying to read and see his thoughts but shockingly she couldn't get anything from him, not a single thing, it was probably one of the strongest psychic block she had ever encountered. Stronger than Emma, her future self, and Charles Xavier II.

“what is he even doing here?” Younger Scott asked in quite a ride way “you do know first impressions is everything, right?” Scott didn't look too happy at the response he got from (Y/N). (Y/N) raise his arms in a playful manner “sorry, I just wanted to make an interesting impression for you guys” he said “and the reason as to why I am here… to eliminate anyone who attacks​ you guy's” the idea was simple and it was made up between the four teachers. It was after the incident with The Future Brotherhood. They manage to attack their base with ease and defeat all of them with no problems, thanks to Laura of course.  

They were planning to kill everyone in the base, including the Original Five X-MEN. That would have cause a large issue for all of time-space and reality “after the events that has happened showed me how much is at risk with you five here…... everything could change if one of you dies, that's why he is here” he puts his hand on shoulder (Y/N) smiling “he may be one of the most fierce and dangerous mutants in the universe, leveling almost beyond Omega level” (Y/N) smiled in confidence.

“Omega level? Is that like the highest level?” Bobby asked.

Scott nodded “and as his mutant ability is something that is supernatural, he’s much like Magik with her magical abilities” he spoke about the magic she was taught in her time in limbo which lead to her to have demonic power and a form of one too. Plus that isn't really her mutation too which is actually the ability to make teleportation discs that can almost teleport them anywhere.

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