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I shuffle in place, noting the unbearable awkwardness and confusion filling up the whole room. JJ finally breaks the tension by slowly walking up to me, arms out, before pulling me into a tight embrace. I gladly accept it by leaning my head against his chest and letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I feel my muscles relax under his grip, taking the time to count the beats of his steady heartbeat. I smile against his chest, feeling proud of myself for keeping my composure. I wanted Jide to know I was still comfortable around him, no matter what happened back there..

He is nothing like Josh..

He runs his fingers up and down my back before slipping his arms away from my waist and grabbing the handle of his suitcase. He looks over his shoulder, nodding to my suitcase then the front door.

"Follow me..." He says, walking out into the darkness of our driveway. I nod, grabbing my suitcase before following him across the invisible pavement. He makes his way into our garage, opening the hood of his Lambo and placing his suitcase along with mine into the tight space. He closes the boot with force before proceeding to make his way to the drives seat. I take the opportunity to grab his arm, uncomfortable with the situation at hand. He turns around, noticing my scared complexion, and walks up to me with a look of worry. He grabs onto my shoulders; not rough, just ordinary; and rubs his fingers into my shoulders as a sign of comfort. I continue to give Jide a look of uncertainty as he looks for the words to say.

"I'm sorry, but you have to trust me babe, okay. There is no reason to be scared... You'll know soon.." He says, placing a light kiss on my temple, causing goosebumps to appear down my arm. He lets out a chuckle, noticing his impact on me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms to make them disappear. I decide to accept Jide's trust, allowing him to lead me to the passenger seat. Right before he shuts the door, I decide to ask him one more thing.

"Can I have a hint at least?" I whisper, hoping for something, anything. He smiles, staring off, before answering with-

"You wanted to be nowhere, so that's where we're going."

Before I can suffocate him with more questions, he shuts his door and makes his way around the car to the driver's seat. Due to my exhausted state, the only thing I remember is Jide turning the car into ignition before I let my body shut down for a few hours. There are a few moments I remember waking up in a daze before falling asleep again. This usually happens when we are going along a busy highway or if Jide is on the phone with someone. I fondly remember JJ talking to someone on the phone and the word 'restraining order' being involved. Just hearing the word made me feel sick, knowing that he was most likely talking about me while I was 'asleep' next to him. I decide to ignore the situation until it is necessary to be involved, letting sleep overtake me once again.



I am quickly awakened from my peaceful sleep when I feel a hand shaking my thigh. I feel my stomach drop, forgetting where I am at the time being. All I know is that I am not comfortable. I jolt up in my seat, smacking the hand away from me in fear, before letting out a scream of terror.

"Don't fucking touch me," I yell in my drowsy state, trying my best to make my heartbeat slow down in my chest. Realization hits me as I look to my right to see Jide giving me a look of concern, his hand held up into his chest. My eyes widen and I lean across the seat to grab Jide by the shoulders.

"Oh my god.. Jide, I didn't mean to.." I am cut off as I feel tears well up in my eyes. He takes the opportunity to grab my waist and pull me across to his seat. Soon enough, my lanky figure is straddled against JJ's thighs with my head in his shoulder, letting hot tears soak in his top. I mumble out an 'I love you' as JJ continues to rub my back, kissing my cheek a few times in the process. He only whispers out an 'I know' and leans his seat back a bit, leaving room for me to lean against him. We spend a couple of minutes in silence, neither of us knowing what to say. I place a light kiss onto his lips before answering the question spiraling though his head.

"You know I trust you, right? It's just.. all of this happened in one night and my mind isn't in the right-" I am cut off by JJ's lips on mine. I let out a sigh of relief, leaning up to deepen the kiss. There was nothing sexual about it, it was just.. passionate. As we break apart, I feel his smile across from me as our noses touch.

"I love you Si.." He whispers, holding me closer against him. I only smile, happy that he understands..

"You know, there isn't much time left.. You want to know where we are?" He says, stroking his fingers through my hair. I nod, feeling my heart beat quicken from nervousness. He opens the door, motioning me to get out first. I let out a grunt of struggle, trying my best to get my long legs out horizontally. When I finally get out, I let out a long stretch, hearing a crack erupt in my back. I look over my shoulder to see Jide with a grossed out expression, knowing he hates when I crack my bones. I only giggle, blaming my long limbs for my back problems.

"C'mon, it's in the back," He says, walking around to the back of his Lambo. While following JJ, I notice that we are in a familiar parking space. After a couple of seconds, I realize the familiar building in front of us. It's Jide's regular space at the airport. I feel my stomach do a flip, wondering what JJ has up his sleeve.

He pops the hood, and rummages through a side compartment. After throwing out random footballs and merch, he let's out a 'yess' before hiding something behind his back. He smiles up at me before yanking the mystery fabric out and letting it unravel in front of me. I pull my hands over my mouth, realization hitting me like a truck.

'We're going nowhere baby!" He yells, holding up the unraveled Canadian flag used in the football olympics, along with two plane tickets in the corner of his hand.



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