Who's the new kid?

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It was the end of 5th grade when I met Marcus. We all were outside eating snow cones and talking to our friends. He was overconfident and he wore saggy pants with a long shirt. He walked over to me while I was in the middle of telling a story.

Marcus:"Hey y'all!"

Aaliyah:"Umm who are you?"

Marcus:"Oh I'm Marcus and you are?"

Aaliyah:"Leaving! Come on ladies."

Marcus:"Come on now, we're all friends here. There's no need to leave."

I looked back at him like he was pathetic. I didn't want a conversation with someone who clearly was a player.

Aaliyah:"We don't even know each other."

Marcus:"We can get to know each other."

I glanced at the girls behind me who was ready to leave whenever I was. I turned back around and gave Marcus a cold glare. He had a begging look in his eyes, asking me if it's ok if he come along. I softened up my cold glare and let out a large sigh.

Aaliyah:"Come on." I said shaking my head and walking off.

Marcus:"Thank you!" He said trying to keep up with my footsteps.

I met up with some more of my friends by the swing set. They were playing tag and hide and seek. I joined them and began to run. Marcus ran after me.

Marcus:"Where are you from?" He managed to get out while running.

I didn't respond.

Marcus stop running and stared at me running down the hill.

Marcus:"Why are you playing so hard to get? Is it cause I'm ugly?"

When I heard that I felt bad. He thought the reason I didn't want to talk to him was because he's ugly. He did look rather odd looking, but that wasn't the reason why I didn't want to talk to him.

I stopped running and walked back towards Marcus.


Marcus:"Then what is it?"

Aaliyah:"I just met you and you're already chasing me down. If you want to be my friend then you need to cool it."

Marcus:"Oh... Sorry."

I walked off not having nothing else to say.

Marcus:"Where are you from?" He asked again.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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