{I Promise}

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Their twined fingers were familiar, not solely because they’ve gripped each other’s hands for what felt akin to eternity.

There was an assurance, a silent promise to never let go.

Kaneki watched as Hanami’s fingers weaved in the space between his own, curling into his hand. Every space he had seemed to be made for her, to where he could no longer see himself without her. The shyness that caused his cheeks to darken ebbed away as soon as she looked straight into his eyes. The air surrounding them, holding the freezing traces of winter, no longer mattered.

It was just them, in this moment.

“It’s snowing.” Hanami tilted her head upward as the fragile flakes fell from the sky slowly. Few of the flakes dotted her lashes and cheeks as her breath escaped her in small puffs in a soft laugh. Kaneki found himself mesmerized, grey eyes fixated on how his flower bloomed even in the winter. Was she utterly oblivious to how beautiful she was to him?

His free hand found her cheek, bringing her gaze back to him. “Kaneki?” Hanami’s voice was soft as snow danced around them, a dusting of pink along her cheeks.

Kaneki smiled. “It’s getting cold. Let’s go home.”

Hanami smiled back, leaning into his touch. “Mhm.”

His hand fell from her cheek as he gently tugged her along. Feeling a bit bold, he squeezed her hand, his heart hammering with thrill when a bright laugh fell from her lips.

Even within falling snow, Hanami continued to blossom before Kaneki’s eyes, a flower with the most luminescent petals he had ever seen.


“Any particular way you want your coffee?” asked Kaneki, glancing over to Hanami as she stood at his side, a towel over her damp hair and watching him brew.

She smiled softly. “You already know how I want my coffee. You make it the same way, regardless of whether I say so,” she answered.

They had made it to Kaneki’s apartment before the gentle snowfall became a storm. Hanami had taken a shower while Kaneki decided to brew some coffee. The soft scent of her shampoo wafted within his vicinity, sending a wave of calm through him. A gentle smile curving his lips, Kaneki returned his attention to brewing the coffee. “Two creams and two sugars, then,” he murmured. “You’re very easy to please.”

“You should shower and let me brew the coffee.” Hanami pouted, resting her elbow against the smooth countertop, her cheek against her palm.

“No way; you’re the guest.”

“By this point, I nearly moved in. You have the shampoo I use in your bathroom.”

“By this point, I know nearly everything about you, Makine Hanami.”

Hanami’s smile was just as bright inside of the cozy apartment than as it was outside. “Just about, Kaneki Ken.”

Kaneki chuckled, pouring the coffee into a cup, adding in the creams and sugars. “You have such a sweet tooth, Hanami,” he said, handing Hanami the steaming cup. She took the cup with a smile, ruby eyes glimmering with amusement. “But you love me,” she replied.

Not giving shyness a chance to rule him, Kaneki leaned, his lips touching Hanami’s in a brief kiss before he took the towel from her head. “I’ll be back, okay?” he told her. “You just relax.”

Hanami blushed lightly, a gentle pout on her lips. “As you wish,” she replied, moving to go sit on his bed. Kaneki kept his gaze on her, following her movements, before he went to take a shower.

It didn’t take him too long. Rubbing the towel through his dark, wet hair for a moment, Kaneki exited the bathroom after his shower. His grey eyes roved his apartment before landing on his bed.

Hanami lay there, light-brown locks of her hair strewn on his mattress, as her eyes were fixated on television screen. She must have finished her coffee a bit ago, as the cup was no longer in her hand. Kaneki walked over to his bed, Hanami’s ruby eyes following him, as he sat down. Hanami smiled before she pushed herself upright only to tackle Kaneki. The ravenette banded his arms around the brunette, his hand gliding up her back. “Comfy?” he asked.

Hanami nodded, resting her head on Kaneki’s chest, her arms winding around him. “Very comfy,” she answered, snuggling against him. “You are warm enough to be my personal pillow.”

“Oh, is that all I’m good for now?”

“Of course not, silly.”

Kaneki smiled, kissing the top of Hanami’s head. “Just checking.”

Hanami smiled, closing her eyes, just as Kaneki’s own gaze went to the television. “Were you watching the news again?” he asked as the reporters went on about a recent ghoul attack being investigated by the CCG.

“Kind of.” Hanami shrugged against him, her eyes remaining closed and Kaneki didn’t press. Ghouls were a very sensitive topic for Hanami and he would never push her to talk about it unless she wanted to. She was silent for a while before she spoke again. “Hey, Kaneki?”

He hummed to show he was listening and Hanami continued with her train of thought. “Do you believe the souls of the dead fall back to earth when it rains? Whether they are human or ghouls?”

Yuna, Hanami’s best friend, had told Kaneki that Hanami was prone to ask questions that would seem unusual to anyone else. Kaneki, on the other hand, didn’t mind when Hanami did ask her rather odd questions; there was an underlying reason she would. “I’d like to think the souls would be in some heaven, watching over the people they cared about,” he mused.

“Then, why would they fall back to earth if they’re at peace?”

“Maybe to be with their loved ones who miss them, but they can only be on earth when it rains.”



“If you were to die before I do, would you fall with the rain to be with me?”

Kaneki turned his gaze to Hanami, finding her eyes meeting his. His free hand brushed against her cheek, fingers curling against soft skin. “Over and over again,” he whispered. “That way, even when it doesn’t rain, you’ll know I’m always with you.”

A soft smile graced her features as Hanami leaned into his touch. “You’d kiss me in a rain storm?”

“I don’t need it to rain for me to do that.” To prove it, Kaneki leaned in, pressing his lips against hers in a soft kiss. Hanami responded, her lips moving against his, her hand rising to touch the hand that remained on her cheek. They parted, their breathing in sync with one another, as their hearts beat the same rhythm. Kaneki held Hanami tightly, never wanting to her to leave his embrace; surely, she felt the same because she only curled against him.

“Hanami,” he murmured. “If you were to die before I do, would you fall with the rain?” He posed her question, needing to hear her words, wanting to know if she would do the same for him.

His heart swelled as Hanami pressed her forehead against his, their lips barely centimeters apart. “My soul would fall for thousands of years until we meet again,” she murmured.

His heart was about to burst, afraid of losing her but knowing she would never leave him. “Do you believe in past lives, Hanami?”

She nodded. “I’m sure we knew each other in our past lives. We just so happen to be together in this life.”

“What do you think about beyond that?”

“I don’t. Why would I, when you’re here with me now?”

Kaneki smiled faintly. “Is that a promise to be with me no matter what?”

“I promise a thousand times, in the life and the next.” Hanami punctuated her answer with a gentle kiss to his cheek and Kaneki’s heart hummed with joy. Whether their souls fell when they die or even while there was a snow storm outside their window, he knew that Hanami would never leave his side.

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