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Song:River by Bishop Briggs
Word Count: 280
Bishop's Point of View


I unblinkingly stared out at the vast trees. The beautiful scenery wouldn't last, so I tried to admire it as best I can.

The pack must have already been informed about me. No doubt they would kill me in cold blood because of the things I've done.

I wish I could just sleep and never wake, but then they would win. And I couldn't let that ha - no I wouldn't let it happen.

I thought about my death many times, mentally fighting over suicide or life.

I know out there, probably not looking for me, was my mate. Who would just throw me away like a balled up paper ball.

Because I was dangerous.

Not physically.

I was dangerous to be around. Because of the hunters who have pin-pointed me.

I'm hated.
I'm used.
I'm unwanted.

No doubt once my mate finds me he will kill me. Slowly, painfully he will rip me to shreds in cold blood. Then he would laugh at my mangled corpse and just kick me over the ledge I imagined there.

Because I was the Bishop in the woods.

I couldn't be tamed, caught, or held down.

My soul danced in the wild and violent wind that would blow around me.

Because I was the wolf without chains.

Heya guys! Whats up? Good things happen to today? Well a lots happening in my family at the moment so I might not post in a while but I wanted to post this book now. And I know Bishops name is a little desperate but omg just let say I love her name.





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