The Day Before the Concert

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I couldn't believe that the day was finally approaching. The day that I would get to see my ultimate bias group, B.A.P. I've loved and supported them since day one and now... now I finally get to see them up close and express my love for them by being at the concert. Luckily for me, I was close to the stage so that I could see their beautiful faces more clearly than most. I was especially looking forward to seeing Himchan, Yongguk and Daehyun. Unfortunately my best friend who also biases them won't be able to attend the concert with me because her mom has a really important interview for some bigshot company tomorrow and she has to look after her younger siblings. 

As I was checking to make sure that I had everything packed and ready for tomorrow, I decided to call my best friend and comfort her with the promise of attending the next k-pop concert no matter what. "I'm so glad you called, I'm so bummed right now." I heard her sweet voice as she answered the phone.

"I know, I know," I tried to comfort her "I promise that I will send you lots of pictures and videos to keep you updated." 

"You'd better or else im not talking to you for the next two days." She teased. We talked for a little while longer about how psyched and how psyched she is for me that I'm going to finally get to see B.A.P live. After we hung up, I decided to once over my outfit for the next day and try to figure out whether there was anyway that I wanted to change it. I decided that a crop top, shorts and some sneakers would be fine since it is the summer and being surrounded by that many people, there was a 99.9% that I was going to be hot as hell. My mom called me down for dinner and I ate. After dinner I worked on my fanfic on Wattpad and then decided to go to sleep early since I would be getting up super early.

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