► 02

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I follow Hanbin and Jinhyo into a secluded hotel room. Hanbin immediately collapses on the bed and Jinhyo closes the door as soon as I walk in. He stands there awkwardly, watching the both of us. I look between them, not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do.

"Well, can someone explain this whole ordeal to me?" I say after another moment of silence. 

Hanbin sighs and pulls out his phone, ignoring me. I look back at his publicist and raise an eyebrow. He fidgets. "We actually have to wait until Hwayoung arrives."

"My manager? I didn't think she was coming."

"Yes, she asked that the four of us meet to explain the terms."

I nod. "What time will she be here? She hasn't told me anything..." 

He looks at his watch. "She should be here any minute...Soojin, why don't you sit? Please."

"Okay," I say, going over to the other bed and sitting down on the edge of the bed. Hanbin looks over and rolls his eyes at me. My blood boils. "I'm sorry, Hanbin. Is there a problem?"

He sits up. "Yes, you're too tense. And proper. Not my style."

I roll my eyes. "Good, I'm not interested in being your style."

Jinhyo fidgets in his spot while Hanbin glares at me. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. Jinhyo nervously opens the door and Hwayoung, my manager, walks in. She looks around at us.

"Have you two had a chance to actually meet each other?" She asks. 

"Yup," Hanbin answers at the same time that I spit, "Not exactly." 

We glare at each other and Hwayoung sighs. "Well, I need to talk to Jinhyo about private matters. So, while we talk down the hall, you two can catch up."

"But-" I start.

"No. Can't you listen for once?" She asks.

Hurt, I look out the window as they leave the room. I scowl, knowing that I'm stuck with only him in the room. Suddenly, the bed sinks next to me. Stunned, I turn to look to my right and sure enough, Hanbin is sitting next to me, smirking. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, still smirking.

"What do you want?" I spit.

He pouts. "Now that's no way to talk to your boyfriend now is it?"

I narrow my eyes. "You mean the same 'boyfriend' that was just ignoring me and glaring?"

He rolls his eyes and scoots away from me. "So, listen. I don't want to do this. But I want to make my managers happy, so I'll do it. I have a secret, though." 

I scowl. "What secret?"

He leans in closer. "I have a girlfriend, so if you had some idea in your head that we might actually be together, let it go."

I roll my eyes and frown. "As if I would ever want to be with someone as cold-hearted as you."

He smirks. "Oh, please. You were totally falling for my charms back there in the lobby. Don't pretend you don't find me cute. You totally dig me."

I gasp and jump up from the bed, moving over to the window. "I don't know what you thought, but I am not interested in you, Hanbin. So, you can get that little fantasy out of your head. I have no feelings for you."

He narrows his eyes and stands up. "You have a secret, too."

I blink and look away, looking out the window and at the streets below. "No, I don't."

"You do...you have a secret boyfriend, don't you?"


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