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Tayler and I looked around at Zumiez.

We bought some thrasher shirts as the girls looked around.

"Ugh I can't wait for these damn babies to seem out." Ally whined in my chest.

"It's okay mama only a few more months." I said.

"Of hell." She grumbled.

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Cam feels the same way don't sweat it." Tayler added.

"My fucking feet hurt." She yelled.

Cam and Ally were talking as Tayler and I held their bags.

"Was Nate mad?" He asked,

"Nah. He was chill. What about Cody?" I asked,

"He was calm, he said next time use a condom." He said.

I laughed, "Sammy!" Ally screamed.

"Yes baby." I answered,

"The babies kicked." She said.

I laid my hand on her stomach as one of the babies kicked hard.

"I'm gonna beat your ass when you get out here. Ungrateful baby whale." She muttered.

"Calm down." I said,

"It hurts a lot." She whined.

"Ehh maybe it's just your hormones." Cam said sipping her soda.

I'm finally dome editing the video and I'm uploading it in a few days..

"Ally!" Nate yelled.

"What?" She said,

"Have you told mom and dad?" Nate asked.

"No." She said.

"You're fucked." He said.

"Why haven't your told them?" I asked,

"Because the timing isn't right." She said,

"I'll just let them watch the video." She added.

"Fine. Don't tell them though." She said.

"I won't." He said.


"What time is the dinner? I asked Sammy,

"7 and we should be leaving soon." He said.

I grabbed a nice dress that still fit me and slipped it on,

"How do I look?" I asked.

"Beautiful as always." Sammy smiled.

I kissed his lips and smacked his ass,

"Hands off, that's my property." He said.

"Kinda mine too." I smirked.

He smacked my ass, "Since my property is yours, yours is mine." He laughed.

I smiled and grabbed my bag and slipped on my flip flops.

"You can wear regular shoes, ya know that right?" Sammy said.

"Yeah I'm just too lazy. Now start driving." I sassed.

He rolled his eyes as we walked out to the rental car.

"My boobs hurt." I said.

"That's random." Sammy said looking at the directions.

"Because your children need to survive I have to suffer with sore boobs." I grumbled.

"Massage them then." He suggested.

"No that's weird." I said.

"Them I'll do it for ya." He smirked.

"I'll just suffer." I mumbled.


Dinner was pretty chill, Cam and Tayler are having a girl and Sammy and I are having a boy and a girl.

Sammy eyed me, "What's up with you?" I said.

"Your boobs look bigger." He joked.

"Well because your children need to eat, right?" I said.

"They can eat turkey sandwiches." He joked.

"Are you being serious right now?" Cam asked.

"They don't want no damn turkey sandwich. Shit, they don't even have teeth to chew it." Taylor said.

"I'm kidding." He said.

Short chapter and I'm also gonna skipping some time in the story for a bit.

Baby Boy❤; s.wNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ