Chapter Five: The Shattered Remains Of Family

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(((A/N: sorry I haven't been able to update.... Been a bit busy with school and such stuff)))

"Memories?" John asked and turned to look at her as Sherlock opened the door and muttered something and stepped back in leaving the door open for Skye and John.

"Yes..." Skye replied softly and stepped inside and John followed suit and closed the door behind them and Skye flinched wanting out. 'Please be at least a bit sane Sherlock...' Skye pleaded in her thoughts as Sherlock rounded the corner and grunted an acknowledgement that they had finally made it up the short walk up the stairs.

"John can you take care of... Skye" Sherlock muttered and John nodded and sighed as he and Skye began talking and Sherlock turned to the kitchen and put his hands down on the counter and then rubbed the bridge of his nose thinking about why she truly was here at all.

"Skye don't touch that!" Sherlock heard John yell from the room and Sherlock winced when there was a crash and the shattering of thousands of pieces of glass hitting the ground and Sherlock stayed in the kitchen, his back turned not wanting to see what she had broken. "Hurry clean it up.." John muttered and Sherlock heard scuffling noises as John starts to try and sweep up the mess Skye has created.

"I didn't mean to touch it..." Skye replied sardonically and Sherlock mused the thought of her learning that tone of voice from him and his eyes flashed in acknowledgement and then he turned, now wary of what she had broken.

"What happened?" Sherlock asked, sounding oblivious to the situation as he poked his head out of the room and looked at them and John moved to get in front of the problem and Sherlock frowned. "John..."

"Nothing happened Sherlock" John stammered and laughed nervously and Skye rolled her eyes.

"I just accidentally broke something, there was a piece of paper folded up inside" Skye smirked and Sherlock frowned and held his hand out for the paper and Skye moved her hand away and Sherlock growled and thrusted his hand foreword.

"Give it... Now." Sherlock snapped and Skye tried to move out of the way as Sherlock jumped on her quickly.

(((A/N: sorry it was short I have to go to a soccer game right now xD and I decided to upload something since I've been unable to upload.)))

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