Chapter 2

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I held the door open for Alizza as she walked out while carrying her Subway sandwich.

"Thank you for my sandwich momma," she said.

"Your welcome baby," I said.

Today was Saturday and I did what I promised I would do and spending the weekend with my daughter. I was so glad to have a break from waitressing. Being a waitress is nobody's dream job.

I walked with Alizza across the street to the park where she loved to play. The playground was her favorite place to go. I love to watch her giggle as she slid down the slide.

We sat on the park bench and started eating our sandwiches. Age took two bites out of it then ran off to the playground. Well she can't get mad if it gets old and nasty.

"Alizza get your butt back over here and finish this food!" I yelled.

"I wanna play!" She yelled.

"Girl that playground ain't going nowhere!" Alizza is a handful. A big handful.

She ran back over to finish her 6 inch sub. I continued to eat mine when she returned to the playground. I watched her several minutes somebody across the park caught my eye. He looked very familiar, I don't know where I've seen him though. We made eye contact as soon as he looked up. I froze in my seat as I saw who he was. Eazy-E.

He stood up and walked over to me. Why was he walking towards me? What did he have to say to me? I wasn't mad at what happened at the restaurant yesterday between me and him. He sat down next to me.

"Hey remember me?" He asked.

"Yeah, how could I forget?" I asked.

"I dot didn't expect to see you here but I wanna say sorry for how I acted towards you yesterday. A nigga was hungry as fuck."

"Oh it's okay. I was pretty rude myself, sorry about your hat. I didn't get much sleep the night before. I am a big fan of N.W.A."

"Are you more well rested now?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because of my bad asshole behavior I wanna take you out."

My eyes widen. "Take me out? We just met yesterday. You don't even know my name."


"How'd you-"

"I read your name tag on your uniform yesterday."


"So how bout it, a date with the one and only Eazy mother fucking E?"

"I tell you what, I'll give you my number and page number and you give me yours and maybe we can set something up."

"In down with that."

"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard a little boy yell. Then a little boy came running up to Eazy. "Daddy I'm hungry."

"Aight we can get some pizza in a minute."

"Okay." He went to back to the playground.

"Is that your son?"

"Yeah Eric Jr."

"He's handsome."

"You got a kid here?"

"Yeah my daughter is over there." I pointed to Alizza on the swings.

"Oh she's beautiful. What's her name?"


"Beautiful, like her mother." I blushed.

"Daddy can we please go?" Eric Jr said running up to us.

"Yeah let's go. Nice talking to ya."

"You too." He got up and stated walking to his car. "Hey Eazy," he turned around and looked at me. "Call me."

"For sho baby." I blushed again.

My phone started ringing and flipped it open to answer. "Hello?"

There was rustling in the background. "Better watch out Angie, watch your back," a voice said on the other line.

"Who is this?"

"I'm watching and if you were anything good of a mother you would keep a close eye on your daughter."

"Who-" Before I could finish they hung up. That was weird. I stared at my phone wondering who that was.

"Momma you okay?" Alizza asked walking to me.

"Um yeah. Let's go home baby."

Chapter 3 is on the way. Hope you enjoyed. Tell me your thoughts and tell me what you think will happen next. Vote and comment. Thx

Eazy and his son in the mm

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