Chapter 20

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Harry led me outside and we stood together on the stairs of the entrance to the big building.

"I'm sorry Sky. They got loose and made their way here. There's nothing I can do about it now." He held my hands in his, tightly. I could tell he was actually sorry by the way he was tearing up and getting shaky.

I accepted his apology immediately and continued on with what I needed to inform him about.

The look in his eyes was hopeful. It made me realize how much I wanted to tell him I love him. This would be the perfect time to do so.

I shook off my thoughts and focused on what needed to be said and how I needed to say it.

"Celine doesn't love you. . ." I exclaimed.

The reaction from Harry wasn't what I was hoping for.

He laughed, nudging my shoulder jokingly. "That's funny Sky."

The words were in my head but I couldn't say them. He didn't believe me; his best friend.

"Harry, I'm serious. I saw her kissing Niall just a minute ago!" I shouted.

"I've been trying to tell you that but it got delayed because of our parents!"

His head just shook back and forth. Not once did he stop and clarify. He just assumed I was joking.

Right before I was about to tell him that my love for him still exists, Celine came trotting down the staircase. She stood beside Harry, looking at me with an indignant stare. "Harry don't listen to her. She's only saying that because she still loves you."

Caught off guard, I gazed into her eyes with a desperate look. I was confused and misled. Confused because I never told anyone that I still loved Harry, it was only written in my journal. Misled because I knew Celine was wicked but I didn't know Harry was teaming up with her this whole time.

"I wrote that in my journal. You read my journal, you bitch." I declared.

A sarcastic laugh escaped her mouth. "Anyone could tell, honey."

Celine grabbed Harry and kissed him even more passionate than she did with Niall.

Niall. I forgot about him. Where was he in all this drama? My side or the witch's? I assumed the witch's. Especially because of what he told me earlier, about him being the bad guy and not the good guy.

"Where's Niall?" I begged, beginning to feel tears streaming out of my eyes.

Harry chuckled. "You can count on him never speaking to you again."

Celine ambled her way over to me. "Sorry." She began. "You had to be put in your place."

Anger was soon taking over and I could no longer feel my legs. The blood was rushing to my head and I could've sworn I was about to explode.

This whole time, the people I thought cared about me, were against me. They interfered with my personal life and made me believe I was welcomed.

Harry had his parents come to piss me off. They planned this all to happen. All three of them are out to get me because one little lie I made.

Harry was so convincing. This whole year I believed that we were finally going back to being best friends again, but he turned around and stabbed me in the back.

He was changed for the worst. He was changed by Celine. She was the one that made him this way. She made him go mad.

Celine turned around and marched away from me. She waited a couple stairs above for Harry.

He staggered to me with a malicious glare. "Give your love to someone that actually wants it."

His last statement left me broken in a billion pieces. . .


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