Chapter 19

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I listened to my parents tell me about Madeline and Johnny's presence, in utter disbelief. Harry lied to my face. He told me that there was no way that they'd be able to attend. Even if they found a loophole to get out of prison, Harry said he wouldn't allow them to come. It was for my sake -- keeping those two away. Harry knew how much I cared about tonight and that I wanted my parents to have a good time. We both agreed that if Madeline and Johnny came, there would be a bit of tension in the air. However, at this point, it was worse than just a bit of tension.

"They've got a lot of courage showing their faces at a college event for their child." My dad continued on with his rant.

My mom was shaking her head in disgust as she studied them carefully. "Not to mention showing their faces to us." Her comment was directed to all of us, including me.

"I couldn't agree more." I alleged, strutting over to Harry, laughing with the two psychotic criminals.

I could feel my parents' eyes on me as I walked away from them.

They were scared and didn't want me to be in any kind of danger, so they followed a great distance behind.

Once I reached the family, I tapped Harry's shoulder, waiting patiently for him to react back. I stood behind him, smiling and rocking back on my heels.

When he finished his sentence, he turned around. His eyes nearly popping out of his head when he saw me standing right before him. He was shocked indeed, but I think he was more frightened than anything because now he has to explain himself to me.

I could tell that my parents were standing behind me, anger drawn all over their faces.

Harry just continued to gaze into my eyes, as if it would help the situation. If anything, it made me madder because he wasn't doing anything about the matter. A fight was about to occur and we could possibly get in more trouble for it.

Johnny and Madeline shared eccentric smiles with my parents. That's one thing they're good at -- hiding their fear. I realized that when the cops came and took them away. They were strangely relaxed and acted as if it wasn't even a big deal.

Johnny hoisted himself up from his seat and held himself up for a handshake from my father. Madeline remained sitting and looked up at my mom, taking her hand and lightly kissing the top of it.

Once Johnny's hand came up to grab my dad's, my dad backed away immediately and stayed still, looking coldly into Johnny's eyes.

"Such a pleasure to encounter you guys here." Johnny smiled politely.

My dad mumbled a cuss word under his breath that only I heard. "That's what we said when our daughter finally came home from your place last year."

"After being gone her whole life, might I mention." My mom added, holding her head high.

Madeline instantly looked at Johnny, waiting for him to say something that would protect them.

As if the evening couldn't possibly get any odder. I still had to tell Harry about what I saw -- Niall and Celine sticking their tongues down each other's throats.

I tugged at the sleeve of Harry's suit, trying to get his attention for just a second but he was too tied up in watching our parents' squabble.

I tugged again and he finally looked at me. "What?" He asked.

"We need to talk."

He nodded his head, shamefully.

Before we left the unpleasant scene, Harry broke up the argument before it got any worse. However, it wasn't really an argument because it was mostly my parents giving Harry's parents a lecture about everything they did wrong.

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