Chapter 2

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Dim morning light shone through the window.

Hayley rubbed her eyes. She looked down at what she was wearing. She had forgotten to change before she fell asleep.

"Oh Well," Hayley shrugged and changed her clothes into something more decent for the new school day. Her outfit was her usual, which consisted of a white tee shirt, a gray hoodie, black skinny jeans, black and white converse chucks, and her black SkullCandy ear buds dangling from her sweater. She allowed her golden brown hair to fall loosely around her shoulders. Her icy blue-gray eyes were brought out by a touch of Mascara and her tanned skin. Other than the light mascara and lip balm, she wore no other make-up.

As Hayley made her way to the 'multi-purpose' room, which when lazy, she called the 'living room' although it really wasn't. Heading there, she nearly tripped on Nibbles, who insisted upon snuggling against Hayley's legs. A sign meaning he wanted to be picked up, or wanted to go outside.

"Fine," Hayley sighed and slid open the screen door. Nibbles was a gray blur as he ran outside to chase a passing bird.

"Darn Cat," Hayley muttered and grabbed a Strawberry pop tart for breakfast. She glanced at the time.


She had about 25 minutes to get to school, which was just down the street, a 10 minute walk.

Hayley decided to leave early. Maybe she could find something interesting to take a picture of and marvel at? Hayley grabbed her light purple backpack, camera, and checked her pocket to make sure her iPod was there, which it was, and bounded out the door.

There was no need to say 'bye' to her father, for he had already left for work, like every morning. He wouldn't be back until the afternoon.

He was an architect, so he drew design plans and built buildings all day long. He only made $20 and hour, but worked 8 hours each day, 6 days a week, with Sunday being his only day off. You may thing it's a lot, but he insisted Hayley not having to work, and of course bills pile up... therefore, they were only able to afford the small home.

Hayley walked out of her house and followed the little stone path leading to the sidewalk. The overgrown, thin, green grass was tickling at her ankles.


The walk was very peaceful. Very few were outside.

The morning mist hung in the damp air, and the golden light beams of the sunrise shone through it, making it look like the air was sparkling with faery dust.

Hayley grabbed her camera and began taking pictures, when a guy came into her camera's focus. He looked about her age, with dark hair and tanned skin, and was doing exactly as she was: Strolling the streets in the early morning and taking pictures. The guy turned around, and the second he saw Hayley, she turned away and  quickened her pace, not looking back.

If she had, he would see him fleeing in embarrassment, but wondering who she was...


By the time Hayley got to school, students were just beginning to arrive. Her walk had taken less time than she assumed. Hayley sped to her locker, and shuffled through her things.

"Boo!" a voice yelled.

Hayley, unstartled, for this was a daily occurrence, turned around to find Emily standing behind her. Emily was a blonde, bubbly girl. She was tall, pretty, and was one of those girls every guy turns his head to gaze upon. She was in ASB (Associated Student Body) and everyone loved her, especially her fellow Volleyball teammates, for Emily played on the Varsity Volleyball Team and was their captain as well. Emily was perhaps the only person Hayley could call a 'friend.' They had known each other since Freshman Year, and had stuck together ever since, even if Emily could easily choose to be with all the bratty popular girls and guys. Hayley not only considered Emily as a 'friend,' but as a 'Best Friend.' Either way she only had one friend.

"What's got you so rattled up?" Emily asked. One thing about Emily, out of the 3 years the girls have known each other, Emily could now easily tell Hayley's emotions: something that wasn't very easy to accomplish.

"Nothing," Hayley replied simply.

"Mhmm, sure."

"Whatever Em," Hayley said as she shut her locker and walked to her first period class.


The day went by slowly, as usual. Soon enough it was third period, which meant: time for her Photography class. It was Hayley's FAVOURITE class, and her favourite teacher as well.

The teacher, Ms. Meriwether, was Hayley's favourite teacher, and in return, Hayley was her favourite student. Ms. Meriwether was 35, and had long blonde hair, and hazel eyes. She wore black framed reading glasses, and by far, was the coolest -- and sassiest -- teacher Hayley had ever met. The two bonded instantly as soon as Hayley showed up in class the first day of school, Freshman year, and yes, Hayley intends to have her as a teacher all 4 years of High School. Of course, the little romance, or at least that's what Hayley called it, between Ms. Meriwether and Hayley's father encouraged their bond. But mostly, Ms. Meriwether was a motherly figure to Hayley, who never had a mother.

"Alright students! Pair up for your Semester Projects!" Ms. Meriwether spoke up.

Do you ever have those times when the teacher says to pair up and you end up sitting all alone because you know no one, or everyone you know already has a partner? Ya, that's Hayley's case alright.

"Sorryy Hayley, I guess you'll be alone for this project," Ms. Meriwether concluded.

"Oh it's fine," Hayley replied.

"Are you sure? This is a big project to handle alone--" Ms. Meriwether was cut off bye a guy bursting, literally, BURSTING through the classroom door.

Everyone in the room froze and turned toward him.

"What's your name sir?" Ms. Meriwether turned and asked seriously.

He smiled.

"Ryan. Ryan Smith."






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