¢нαρтєя тωєℓνє

Comincia dall'inizio

The thought made me sadden a little, since Harry this whole time has been pissing me off with either love or hatred. For god sakes, my brother, if I can call him that, punched me just because I had some opinions. Yet that wasn't the case everyone heard of; just me, myself, and I. 

" Why not?" his two lips are pushed up together into a backwords cacoon making his adorable birthmarks pop out even more. " Its lunch not study hall prep." " I'm busy Leeroy, preperation for movie night," I answer a little annoyed that he was losing track of my attendance. 

" Movie night? When did Louis tell you this?" he asks. My heart aches for a second there, becuase my boyfriend who didn't seem to be paying attention to me, never did tell me about Liam's movie night. " He never told me," I frowned, feeling a small lump in my throat begin to hatch and crack. Leeroy seemed to aqaintance my sadness with a small sly smile in reply. " Then who did?" he mentions, adding it sheeplishly. " Liam," I groaned.

" Did you call my name Marcel?" Liam asked questionably amused. " I'm talking to Leeroy," I answer, shooting him a small wink. He nods in reply and goes back to talking to Niall. They seem to be getting close lately; quite suspicious.

 I look back at Louis to see if he by any chance got jealous by my sudden movement, and then the tiles sunk down in the furnish ground; because he didn't even show an inch of envious, probably wasn't even paying attention to my crap these days lately. 

" Marcy...you alright," Leeroy asks worriedly concerned. I shoot him a small fake smile, to which he shoots me back a dissaproving saddnened look. " Yeah sure...just thinking about Friday," I answer. "But that's not until tomorrow," he answers, scrunching his brows in confusion. " Yeah well..its keeping some bull out of my mind lately," I snap. He shoots me a look that makes my brain fill with dissiness and guiltiness. " You alright Marcy?" Harry asks raising his forehead. " Perfectly happy," I mumble sarcatically. He nods to me and then turns back to Louis. Seriously, could my brother be any less stupid or such a dickhead?

" Since when did you get all snappy?" Leeroy asks perplexed and amused at the weird incoming. "Since I had a lot of shit going on with my life," I answer, not a fasn of this conversation. " Want to talk about it?" he comforts. " Not really. Some other time Leeroy," I reply, not meeting his curious gaze. " I understand," he mumbles. " No you don't," I whisper to myself, lightly as a feather. 

Harry's POV

" Since when did Marcel become so snappy?" I chuckle lightly to myself, feeling a soft warm pair of hands buried in with mine.  Louis shrugs, not paying any attention to Marcel, who seemed to be having some issues with his life. " I don't know," he answers not paying any attention to the conversation about Marcel, but my lips. Just to tick him off, I lick my tongue lightly across my pink plumped lips back and fourth, meeting his gaze with a cornered smirk. 

" Don't do that Hazza," he mutters, rolling his playfully, and facing his neck the other way; hiding his embarresed crimson red blush. " Why not Lou? You like it don't you," I add in innocently, pupils dialating. " Sure," he coughs awkardly, squeezing my hand tighter under the table. The things I could do to him. I rub his hand softly, adding an extra touch with the tip of my thumb. Gliding it over the palm of his hand, and tracing the outline of his marked birth lines.

I shoot him a sheepish grin, to which he winks back with an amusing expression. " That trick you pulled off in English was quite smart Harold," he whispers sensually. " Yeah," I squeek, gulping loudly, with my atoms apple bobbing up and down. " Yes," he smirks, eyes dark and black with no hinch of innocent blueness. " M' kay," I answer, to embarresed to meet his eyes.

Our interwined hands slowly begin to elipt away when I feel a pair of large hands encircle its way to my upper thighs. " What are you doing Louis?" I ask, not trusting his inner thoughts. " Nothing Harry. Are you accusing me," he replies innocently, flipping me off with a small pout. I bit my lip extra hard, to keep in a throaty bobbing moan that seems to want to come out. His slimmering hands move further up to the hem of my boxers.

Glee and excitment rush up towards my body, sending me jolts of electricity through my underskin. My bum moves around the bench uncontrollably, already feeling a small erection forming inside my bundled up jeans. My nails dig into the sweaty palms of my hand, and beats of piled uncontrolable sweat pour down my face with ecastaty. 

" Not here," I answer thickly. " No not here Harry--I let out a small sigh of relief--but tomorrow," he whispers palming my thighs tightly before bringing his hand down to mine. " M'kay," I squeek. He shoots me a smirk before switching conversations with Niall and Liam.

Sucking my lip with sudden interest brings back the memeries of the other night. My thoughts traveled to Zayn who was now someone that I had some particular interest in knowing. I shot out a small frown at the other night before; my mind drifitng off a bit. It was nice to pour out the inner heavy feelings I had about Louis.

I felt pretty bad fo the lad, him trying to seduce me at first, but then bawling out his eyes like a fragile piece of cloth. He smothered out his inner feelings to a stranger he barely new and made out with. I kinda felt a little dissapointed in Perrie, even if I didn't know her personally, I still felt the needy urge to find imformation about why she chose to cheat on her boyfriend who loved her dearly much. Yet I don't think that was the case, becuase it just didn't feel like she would cheat on him. 

Zayn did give me his number, were on good terms, yet I'm going to get to the bottom of their relationship. Maybe find out the real reason, even if its not my buisness, Zayn is considered as a mate. And mates do favours.


This is a surprise update! I wanted to update twice becuase I felt that you deserved it!:) I love reading the comments. I appreciate it!

Question #1: What's your favourite 1D Album?

Question #2: Who's your favourite in the band?

* I'd love to know more about you. You'll like the next chapter. I decided that movie night is going to be on the next chapter.;)

My Boyfriends Brother [Larry/Larcel:M:Preg]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora