Chapter 23 - Awkward Encounters

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Matt frowned but didn't want to question it any further. Though he'd never heard of a condition like that, he didn't want to call her a liar. It wasn't completely unreasonable. He was just glad that he hadn't killed her during the night.

Now that he wasn't panicking anymore, he was able to study what Kristen was wearing: nothing but a large top from his wardrobe. His eyes travelled down her legs before he realised and turned away, blushing. He didn't want her to see that. He didn't need to show off the fact that he hadn't been with a girl for well over a year by now. He was inexperienced and wasn't used to hiding from the temptation, especially when it was stood right in front of him in his own clothes next to his bed.

As if she'd just noticed, Matt heard Kristen go 'oh' and a load of shuffling. Once he'd controlled himself and turned back around again, she had her own clothes on from last night and had pulled her hair to one side of her head. Her facial expression was sheepish but she didn't refer to the situation and merely just tossed the top back at Matt, who gripped it in his fingers, still frozen to the spot.

She had some great legs.

Matt cleared his throat and went over to his wardrobe to pick out his clothes for the day. He was still in his jeans, which had been surprisingly comfortable, so he just plucked out a dark top and shrugged it over his shoulders. 

He turned back to Kristen and tilted his head slightly, as if just considering something. "You can use the shower if you want."

She shook her head and fiddled with her fingers. "I'll get one when I get home."

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked and his chest constricted with the words. He'd never asked that to someone before. He'd never even considered it being Kristen who he'd ask it to.

Again, she shook her head. "We can just go if you want." 

Matt nodded and stood awkwardly in the doorway, wondering what to do. He definitely didn't have a clue what to do in these situations. No wonder he was never going to have a girlfriend. He ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his top slightly before he grabbed his leather jacket which hung on the hanger. "Well, when you're ready we'll go. I'll be downstairs."

Without waiting for a response, he closed the door and rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen, breathing out heavily. What was wrong with him? Why was be acting like a stupid awkward little thirteen year old boy? Surely he was past this by now. It was only Kristen, for God's sake.

Yeah, only Kristen...

He poured himself a glass of water and glugged it down quickly before pouring himself another one. He needed to get a grip. Just because she'd stayed over didn't mean that anything was going to change. Just because she knew his secret didn't mean that he was going to treat her any differently...

But wasn't he doing that already?

Matt jumped as Kristen entered the kitchen, fiddling with her hair. He looked up at her and nodded before he grabbed his bag and went out of the front door, leaving Kristen to shut it behind her. 

It was silent as they walked. Matt didn't know what to say and he didn't want to risk saying anything which he'd regret later. Kristen seemed lost in thought but she had a frown on her face as if she was confused. Despite the obviously deep sleep which she'd had, her eyes said otherwise. There were dark circles which were starting to make an appearance on her face, ones Matt hadn't noticed before, and they shadowed her dark eyelashes.

Maybe she needed a lot of sleep, Matt thought. After all, they hadn't had many hours to catch up. The night had been too busy and his mind had been whirling too much for him to sleep properly. Maybe she'd been restless until just before he woke up, which would explain the dead look she seemed to have. It was probably exhaustion.

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