Magic- Part 4

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At that very second, Zaid ran over to me, grabbed my arm, and started running. As he was dragging me through the forest, at way- too- high speeds, I was holding on to his arm for dear life, knowing if I let go, I would probably hit the ground and break every one of my bones. After we got as far away from the clearing as we could, we stopped and sat down by the trunk of a tree.

"What was that about?" I angrily asked Zaid.

"I don't want either of us anywhere near Dean. He is evil and dangerous!"

"Touche'," I replied.

Nobody wants to be around Dean. He is evil. You know what? I don't think evil can even describe it. He is sinister. He is a traitor. Don't even get me started on his assistant, Noel. She is the exact same way. She also has this weird ability to read minds. Don't think of anything embarrassing or personal when you're in the same room as her. I speak from experience.

Dean used to be on the Magic Council. He was on the council for about a year when he got kicked off. He was found attempting to get other council members to turn to the dark side and help him take over the Land of Magic. He got Noel to join him. But he left everyone else thinking that he was an oddball.

Now, I think you know why people don't really like Dean.

"Um, Destin? Is anyone home?" Zaid asked.

"Oh, um, sorry. I was lost in thought."

"So, what are we going to do? We can't let him get away with whatever stupid plan he has. We should go back and see what's going on."

"Then let's get moving!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2012 ⏰

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