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"Aspen!" my mom yelled from where she lay on the ground trying to crawl away from the chaos of what's going on behind her. My twin brother, Caleb, was standing behind me trying not to look at what was going on in front of us.

"Aspen! You and Caleb need to run. Now!" She cried out. It pained me to see my mother this way, but I had to be the strong one. I needed to protect Caleb. Nothing nor anyone would ever touch him.

"I'll protect us mom. I promise" I say as I lean down to to give her one final hug. Turning around I grab Caleb's had and start dragging him to the woods that surround our pack house. There were wolves fighting all around us.

Our pack was having a barbecue to celebrate one of the members finally turning fifteen and shifting for the first time. He was the son of one of the higher up guards and was expected to take the place of best warrior with all the skills he's presented before he got his wolf.

It was about ten and Caleb and I were finishing our last game of soccer with the other kids before we had to go to bed. We were only nine so mom thought it wouldn't be healthy for us to stay up any later than ten.

We had just finished the game, my side winning of course, when a pack of wolves came out of the woods and started to attack our pack. A lot of the warriors had had a few beers, not enough to make them drunk since werewolves can usually drink at least five beers before they even begin to start acting drunk, but it was enough to slow down their reaction time a bit.

The first thing I noticed was that they weren't rogues. They had a pack smell to them. The next thing I noticed was that it wasn't just one pack smell. It was at least seven different packs.

The only explanation my nine year old self could come up with was that it was some of the packs below ours. We weren't the strongest pack by any means, but we were still pretty high up in the ranks. We're actually ranked twenty-three.

Caleb and I barely got two feet into the forest when two men grabbed us. One had me while the other one had Caleb in his arms. "Now where did you two think your going. You're going to miss the best part, when we kill your parents," the one holding me said with so much happiness in his voice, it almost made me throw up

I tried to get out of his grasp while he was dragging Caleb and I back over to the fight, but I wasn't strong enough to get away from him. When he stopped, I stopped struggling for a few seconds to evaluate the situation. In less than a half hour, our pack was all dead except for some of the girls that were about ten to sixteen. There were some of the packs warriors and other men in the small group that were being chained up, but not many and they all looked broken.

I looked around to see if anyone else was still alive, and I almost started crying when I saw the wolf we were throwing the party for get his throat ripped out right in front of me. His name was John.

The last person alive was mom. I cried out for her to run but she wasn't able to escape the wolf that keeps torturing her as she tried to get away. She was missing chunks of thigh and even some from her arms, that had slowly started to heal until the wolf tore out her throat. I cried out for her to get up, but I new she was gone, and she was never going to come back, but that didn't stop my tears.

I fought with everything I had at that point and I almost got away from the guy, but he quickly got a better grip on me and I was unable to shake him. I hardly realised when a needle was injected in my arm until he pulled it out. I never liked the part when the needle comes out. I wasn't strong enough to try to fight off the drug and not long after they gave me the drug, I felt my eyes dropping and I was soon asleep.








When I woke up I noticed that I was on some bed that reeked of pee. I tried to get of the bed but when I tried to move my hands and feet, there were handcuffs that prevented me from moving. I tried to look around, but I wasn't able to see much. What I could see was that the bed and I were the only things in the room, and the room was made of three walls being bars. The room to my right was empty and the room on my left, I could see my brother sitting on the floor facing me, though he looked almost asleep. The wall behind me was stone and the wall with the door was all bars again, even the door.

"Caleb," I croaked out. My throat was dry and soar from lack of water. Caleb immediately stood up when he heard me say his name.

"Aspen. Are you all right?" He asked. I nodded my head and then noticed that he was staying about a good foot and a half away from the bars.

"Why are you staying away from the bars, Ka?" I asked. He pulled his hands away from his chest and showed men his palm. I gasped when I saw the distinctive burning of the skin, and since we don't have our wolves yet, we take longer to heal, not that we would heal that fast anyway because the bars were made of, "silver," I said voicing my thoughts. He nodded his head and that's when I realized that he hadn't talked as much as he always does.

Caleb and I used to be the most talkative kids in the pack. We would always play a prank on any of the pack members that happened to be passing by when we would play the prank. Caleb was more talkative then me, and that's saying something since I was pretty darn talkative myself. I could talk an ear off a statue while Caleb could talk both ears off.

Further down the hall, a girls scream was able to be heard. An shiver went down my spine at the sound of her scream. It was bone chilling. I sat their thinking of what they were doing to that poor girl, but I didn't have to wait long. When her screams completely died down, I heard a mettle door open then close. Some heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the right before a man who had some power eliminating from him pulled out a key and opened the door to the cage of a room I was in.

I took in his power again and instantly recognised it as another alpha. When other packs would visit us, my dad would teach us how to tell the difference between the power of an alpha, beta, gamma, warrior, and so on, and the power this man was imiting was definitely an alpha, though he was weaker than our pack.

"If it isn't the legend herself," the man sneered. I got the courage to spit the best I could on him. The wad of spit just barely managed to hit his shoe. His smirk instantly dropped before he had this angry look on his face. I guess spitting on him wasn't the best idea. He grabbed a cloth from who knows where, whipped the spot off, then slowly walked towards me.

"Now why did you have to go and do that for you little bitch? I was thinking of maybe going easy since it's your first. Show you I can be a nice guy, but you just lost all chances of that," I gulped when he said that. He walked closer to me and I tried to move in hopes to get away, but the restraints keeps me in place.

The only thing my squirming did was make him chuckle and it wasn't a 'good' chuckle. No, it was more of and evil sinister chuckle. I squirmed more the closer he came, and that only seemed to make him happier, but I couldn't stop myself from moving under his gaze.

"I hope you appreciate that I let you brother room next to you, even though boys are usually kept in the other building, so they don't have to stay up all night listening to your screams. They are more useful well rested, but I made an exception just for you," he said. He finally reached the bed I was restrained to.

I looked over at Caleb and pleaded with my eyes for him to help me. He sat there in horror though. I whimpered when the man started to rip off my clothes. I growled at my show of weakness. I was an Alpha's daughter for goodness sake. I kept fighting, but it was no use.




That night that man took my virginity away from me at the age of nine while my brother watched the whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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