"You looking hot" he said

"Nah I'm cold" I laughed. I raised my hand up for another drink

       "You're funny.. that's what I like" he said seductively

      "I don't try to amuse people Romeo"

"My name is Leon not Romeo honey" he said

       "Oh I'm sorry" I said making a sad face

I slapped a 20 dollar bill on the counter and walked outside to get some fresh air. I was nearly wobbling outside.

     "I didn't get your name" Leon said



"None of your business ass wipe" I frowned at him.

I wobbled to my car and got my keys out of my purse. He pulled my arm and slapped it away

"Aye.. don't touch me" I said to him

I opened my car door. Before I could even sit down in the seat. He pulled me out and tried to kiss me. I kicked him the balls and he winced in pain. I closed the door and locked it. He banged on the door and I was able to get the key in the ignition and I drove off leaving him there screaming

I got home and I wobbled to my front door. I put the key in the lock and opened it when I see Cedric leaning up against the couch with his arms crossed.

      "What.. what are you doing Cedric, didn't I snatch the key from you?" I asked

     "You did.. there's a spare under your doormat" he said smirking

    I had a huge headache and I rubbed my head in frustration

        "Get the hell out" I said pointing to the door

    He grabbed a orange envelope from the couch and handed it to me. I looked at it for a minute and looked at him

     "Open it" he said

I teared open the envelope trying to figure out what was in it

      "Careful rose.. it's fragile" he said laughing


I pulled out a letter and at the top it said Richard McDaniel. My heart literally stopped and I looked at Cedric. He was just sitting there smiling

Asshole once again

Dear ms. Rose

You think that I was in jail for 8 years well you thought wrong. A family member bailed me out and I've been out for so long. I was at your graduation when you got your little diploma and I remember you when you were 15. I remember feeling all over that sexy body of yours. I will never forget that. I've been watching you for so long. And now that you're a grown woman. There won't be any issues. I won't get in trouble with the law. I'm gonna get you. I might get you in your sleep. I might cover that pretty mouth of yours and throw you in my van and take you home with me. Oh and you're father.. he owes me money. Maybe like 1700 dollars.. yeah that's it. I love you rose. Don't forget about me love


Richard McDaniel

I balled up the letter and threw it in the trash.

"Like the letter?" He said smiling

"Get your ass out of here.. I don't wanna see you again" I frowned pointing to the door

       "I guess I'll leave" he said

He looked me in the face and caressed my face

     "Richard is a good man you know?"

I slapped in the face and he put his hand on his cheek. He shook his head and walked out. I slammed the door and ran upstairs. I got a bag and started throwing stuff in the bag. My phone was vibrating and I picked it up and answered it.


"Rose.. you need to go.. I got the same letter" my father said

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