Profile Pic Maker Entry

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Do you want a personalized profile picture? We can make you one easy.

All you have to do is:

Name: If you want your name or not or initials put "include name" or "include initials"

Message: If you want a message like "Writing Books is Cool!" then put "include message" and put the message you want

Image: If you want any specific image link it here if you don't have a specific image, describe what you'd want the picture to look like

Font: if your not really that into fonts and you just don't know describe your font or put "surprise me" (you know the drill)

Other: put other things you want or just put "none" here.

And don't forget to FOLLOW US! We like to keep in track with our fellow readers, writers etc. And we would like to one day become ambassadors!


-MT and MM

Profesional Book Cover Maker and Profile Pic MakerWhere stories live. Discover now