"No, I'm serious! I worry about you sometimes, and if you find someone, you'll have someone to watch over you. And I know you- you always pick the best guys."

"Actually mom, there is someone."

"Really?" she asked, shocked.

I then proceeded to talk to my mom about Tyler. I made sure to mention our first greeting, the video we were in, and how he asked me out on a date. She thought he sounded wonderful. She then asked about my new friends, and I told her about Amy, Kathryn, and Ethan, and reminded her about Mark, who she remembers meeting once. I then told her about how I ran into Gigi, and how I went grocery shopping for the first time. She told me a little bit about everything going on in her life, and told me how my dad was doing.

After a while longer of talking, she had to go, and we hung up. I let out a few tears after hanging up with my mom, but soon got over it. I'm an adult now who's living on their own; I don't need my mom every day. A little while later after talking to my mom, I got ready for bed. Before I could even reach my bed to fall asleep, my phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw Mark's name at the top. I clicked the accept button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Charlie," the voice on the other end, who wasn't Mark, said.

"Tyler?" I asked, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to.

"Hey," he said coolly.

"Hi," I said, barely above a whisper. I could already feel my cheeks burning up.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"I'm...fine," I replied. "Why are you calling from Mark's phone?" I questioned him.

"I don't remember where I put mine. Plus, I was worried about you," he replied.

"Oh," I said quietly. The line was silent, then he spoke up.

"Ethan told me what happened."

"I figured he would eventually."

"Charlie, you need help."

"I'm perfectly fine on my own."

"I don't think you are." Silence once more surrounded us, until I heard voices in the background, clearly Amy and Mark's. Tyler sighed, then said, "Mark wants you to stay with us for a while, just until you're well enough to live on your own."

"I can live on my own. It's not like I'm sick or anything."

I heard Amy's voice, then Tyler repeated, "Eating disorders are illnesses. We want you to stay here with us so we can make sure you don't make yourself even more sick. Charlie..." Tyler stopped talking and it sounded like he moved somewhere more quiet. I stayed completely silent, and sat on the edge of my bed. "Charlotte, I care so much about you. I don't want to see you in any form of pain. Please don't be fractious and accept our help. Please."

I sat there on my bed, staring at the mirror in front of me. I could see the hair flying out of my high ponytail. Bags were beginning to form under my eyes, and my face looked thinner. I was beyond tired, and I needed help. I knew it, but I didn't want to admit it. Knowing Tyler cared about me made me feel a bit better, but I didn't want to be a burden to them. So, I told Tyler that.

"You're the opposite of a burden to us. We all care about you. We want to help you. Please just stay with us for a while," Tyler pleaded to me.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll go." Tyler hollered in excitement, and then running could be heard as more people cheered.

"Will you be ready tomorrow at 11 for me to pick you up?" Tyler asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be ready," I answered.

"Awesome. Love you. See you in the morning," Tyler rushed, and then the line went dead. I sat on my bed and stared off in the distance. I listened to the three beeps from the line cutting off, and then heard silence. I could hear nothing now, except for the white noise from the TV, and my thoughts.

When Life Gives You Cupcakes || Tyler ScheidWhere stories live. Discover now