Get jinxed

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Harley POV

When Jinx stepped through the door, I was star-strucked. Her pale skin, long blue hair in two big braids. I love her eyes and her tattoos. She reminds me of me, but sexy as hell.  " Listen here convicts, this here is Jinx. The daughter of Satan. She is the definition of madness. She bad luck, but good luck for the squad. Hey Harley, you might make a new friend." Amanda Waller said.  I knew I had blushed.  Jinx looked at me then winked.  When she did that I blushed again.  " Alright criminals, dress-up and load up!" Waller shouted. I walked up to my crate full of clothes and i chose my outfit. My red faded 'Daddy's Lil Monster' baseball tee,  my half blue, half red booty shorts. I put on my fishnet stockings and my 'PUDDIN' choker. I put on my Adidas heels and saw jinx staring at me changing. She must of saw because she had turned around. I was now watching her change. Her pale silky skin, long hair and eyes are putting me in a trance. I looked away and got my bat, knifes, and small bombs. They may be small, but they do some huge  damage.  I put my long hair in two pigtails and walked towards the plane.  

Jinx POV

After we all got on the plane, I sat in between Harley and Dead-shot. I don't wan't anyone to take her from me*Has a physcotic  look on her face.*  " Ok so we are going back to Gotham because jokers teaming up with Scarecrow. We have to beat them to an old warehouse that's  full of acid. Now Harley, could you give us some information?" Flag asked. She nodded and stood up. 

" Joker wants to kill all the kids in Gotham. I don't know why, but he wants to get rid of them. He's doing something that I did back in New jersey. I had put bombs in toys and gave them to children. Anyway,  He will put acid in the new toys, so when they open the box with the toys, they get face of acid. HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh sorry. He would of done it sooner, but I had fucked up his planes by shipping the toys to New York. he-he." She said.

She... She blew up kids? Awesome!!!! She is a bad-ass beauty. As soon as I get done with this,  I'll make her mines.
* Boom* What was that? I looked out the window and saw the jet going down. I stood up and jumped off. While I was falling I saw a  missile and jumped on it. I was aiming for the wall so the jet wouldn't fall in the ocean.  The place was on close to the bridge. 'Hey, while we're waiting.  Let's sing.' I thought. 

( watch the video up top.)

When I got done singing, I crashed Into the wall. I made it out fine. 

Narrators POV

Jinx moved out of the way as the jet flew and crashed into the abandon building. Harley jumped out of the jet laughing like the pain didn't hurt. It probably   didn't since she is used to  being beaten. The thought of it hurt Jinx's feelings.  She can't wait to kill the bastard who hurt her love. "What-ta Ride??!!!" Harley yelled. The squad stared at her crazy-ly. " What?" she asked. Harley walked towards the wall with a spray-painted joker on it. She pushed the brick with jokers left eye and it opened a secret  room. "Listen, be very quiet because they pick up on voices." she said.   The squad walked the flight of stairs towards the boiling rooms, trying to be as careful and quiet as possible. Harley had typed in the password so she could open up the door towards the room. When she typed it in, the alarms went off. 'WTF' Harley thought. " I know he didn't change the password on me." Harley growled. "Sup BITCHES!!!!" the joker shouted through the enter-come.  " Stop joker, or face the consequences." Rick commanded. Joker rolled his eyes and spoke.

" You should just turn-around or leave. Do y'all want to die? I think y'all do, especially you Harls. I don't need you anymore, I have more than one of you. Do you ever wonder why you felt pain while you slept? Well, I been making clones bye stabbing needles in your white-ass body! So I'll say this 1 last time: LEAVE or DIE!!!??" 

Rick rolled his eyes  and shouted attack. Joker pressed a button and 30 Harleys  filled the room. "DAMN" the whole squad shouted. Harley grabbed her bat and charged at Harley 2.o. She swung her bat but the other Harley was faster and had took the bat. Harley 2.o had hit O.H( original Harley) in the back of the head. O.H passed out and was carried away. Jinx saw this and shot pink bolts at them.  Jinx grabbed Harley and mad a protective bubble around her Harls. Dead-shot had killed 12 of them. 30 - 12= 18 harleys left.  Captain Boomerang had Killed 8. Jinx killed 5 by using her machine gun. Killer croc ate the last 3 and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.   

Jinx used her magic and opened the door. When the door opened, she pounced on joker. Jinx punched, bit, slapped, and Kicked him. She was loosing control, as Joker was loosing his life. Before joker died She whispered " Get Jinxed."        

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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