My First Boyfriend. pt2

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At that moment I felt like he was gonna breakup with me,I was thinking to my self, "what if he breaks up with me",I kept texting him and told him.

"What's wrong?"

"Look I know its been now 2 years and 6 months together but I'm moving to Los Angeles tomorrow and I don't know if I would want a relationship that we can't be next to each other"

"Eric,please we could still face time,right?"

"yeah I guess,I have to go sorry"

"I guess bye,love you"


I actually got confused why he didn't said "love you" back but I mean we're still together but upset to so I FaceTime my best friend,Josselyn.

"Hey Josselyn"

"Why you look sad Cassandra what's going on?"

"Remember,I Told you me and Eric we're dating ?"

"Yeah,what's going on with that ?"

"Well,he's moving to Los Angeles and I think he wants to breakup for that but I told him we could face time and he's all like "yeah I guess"

"I think eric,well,don't have feelings for you"

"Me to but I'm afraid we do breakup were almost for 2 year's and 7 months"

"Wow, that's a long relationship"

"I know right and i don't want it to end"

"He's keeping something​"

"Why do you think?"

"I just think he is"

"How about we create a fake account and start texting him,if you think he's hiding something"

"OK, let me get a picture of my sister and I'll start creating it and then text him"

(Few minutes passed)


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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