Chapter 31: Well, That's Nice

Start from the beginning

As I drove home, I thought about what I would do over the summer. Maybe I'd finish college applications, hang out with friends a little bit. Of course I was avoiding the inevitable. I would eventually have to visit my dad, his fiancee, and her bratty, bitchy, completely self-absorbed daughter Tiffany. I would be jumping with joy when I would be done with this whole mess and be able to live my life.

Other than that, I hardly noticed when I pulled into the all-too-familiar driveway and creaking noise of the garage opening.

Oh shit! I thought. I had an hour to get ready and I forgot to grab Starbucks! No big deal, I told myself. I simply turned my car on again and drove to starbucks, picking up an iced mocha before going home to change, warm up, and head to the club.


The sounds of people dropping on the mat had become a familiarity for me. Especially when I was the one punching said person into the ground. It sounds like i'm a violent person, and in reality, I definitely can be, but i'm not always that way. Being bullied for the past decade or so has hardened me, strengthened me, so emotions toward people that bully me have disappeared into nothing but anger and a twinge of disappointment. Towards friends and family, however, i'm pretty much the nicest person around.

I scanned the area, looking for Julia, and I found her by the weights area, warming up. Julia's schedule was a lot different than mine; It was rare for her to have a fight the same day I did. But nevertheless, we still attend each other's fights, to cheer each other on.

After a few minutes of warm-ups, I had to go. Julia took a seat in the front row by the mat, and I stood in my stance, waiting for the person to show up.

But what had me shocked wasn't their cockiness or weight or that. It was their gender.

There was another streetfighter that was a girl. I had never seen her around here before, maybe she was new? We walked to each other, shaking hands, before backing up to either side of the ring.

"This is Faith 'The Falcon' Lillith against Rebecca 'Raven' Wilde. Take your positions."

I'm sorry, Rebecca Wilde? Are you shitting me that there's another Wilde in my life?

Her hair was blonde with purple highlights. Her eyes were a hazel shade, and she could come off as aggressive and intimidating to many, I could tell.

The bell dinged, and despite my victory, she didn't fight like a beginner. She actually had some skill, and I was surprised. Was she part of the Wildes, the family that raised the most conceited girl I knew?

After the match ended, I approached her. How could she be so different than the Wildes, yet have the same last name? It made no sense.

"Hey, good match earlier. Your last name is Wilde, right? Do you have a sister?"

She turned to look at me, her face filled with conflicting emotions. Her face contorted with disgust. "Ugh, don't even ask. I'm ashamed to be related to those assholes." I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry if it's too personal, but what happened?"

She rolled her eyes, but spoke. "My mom, Jessica, cheated on my dad. My sister Tiffany and I were taken into different custodies. I stay with my dad, and my sister Tiffany stayed with my bitchy mother. And I imagine you've seen Tiffany before?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, our parents treat us different ways, so that's why we look different. Of course,we chose our own styles. I hate the fact that I'm twins with that bitch."

I still had one question. "If you're the same age, then how come i've never seen you around school?"

"Oh. I take an online education, and I get very high grades. I refused to go to the same school as that slut." She said bluntly. It surprised me, but didn't at the same time, that she could insult her sister like that, let alone her twin sister. But hey, if I was in her situation, I would too.

"You seem cool, Faith. We could hang out. Can I get your phone number?" She said in a slightly bored tone. I nodded, and we put each other's numbers into our phones. "Hey, Rebecca, my friend Julia's having a graduation party on June 14. I'm sure she wouldn't mind having you."

She turned around from walking away. "Sounds cool. I'll see you there, and maybe in the ring a few times." She said, smirking. I returned the smirk, and we walked to the exit together, Julia giving her an invite as she walked with us.

I guess I'd gained a new friend, and it was who I would never expect it to be. I admit, I never thought I'd be friends with a Wilde, let alone a twin. But, I guess the future has a way of surprising you.


Yawning, I made my way up the driveway, into the garage, and in the door. I slipped my shoes off, walking around in just my socks as I grabbed something to eat.

Nothing super interesting happened that evening, as I fell asleep texting Julia and Rebecca.

I just hope I can make it through the rest of the year on a good note.

Hello again everyone! 

Since school is out for me, I am going to try to get on a regular updating schedule. However, i have things i'm doing this summer that may prevent me from doing this. For example, i am attending a fine arts camp for a little under two weeks. So, hang in there!

I would love suggestions for an updating schedule, please comment them right here!

I decided to update a little earlier, as school is out for me and I have a lot more time to write, which is awesome for everyone!

Also, I have decided that the plot needs more time to work out, so instead of 35 chapters, like I had originally planned for, this book could have a maximum of 45 chapters. I doubt it'll actually be that long, but that, I think, is the max amount of time the plot needs to develop at a good pace.

Please don't hesitate to comment about any suggestions or overall insight on how the book is going!

Please email all covers and banners to!

Oh, and by the way, question of the day: How old do y'all think I am? And should I tell you how old I am? Guesses right here! (tries to do a down arrow but fails) 

-Grace :)

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