Chapter 6 : Hope is always on the corner

Start from the beginning

Should I make a fire?

Bad idea, it will be extinguished if it's from this weather
I should rest about as I yawn my drowsiness

No no no I need to keep going, it was just a few hundred meters
I tried to take another step
But my body was as its limits
It was just time as my body starts to shut down
Then suddenly I was on my knees, no better said I was on my chest
My face was aside viewing out in the wilderness
The moist cold gravel grazed my cheek as the winds grew winder
I didn't felt like I was going to "hit the wall" any time soon

This is bad...

In this rate I'll die for real
I need to get up

Albino starts to peck my cheeked with concern
Don't sorry just yet, I'm not that pathetic
I don't know what skills I can use to make fire
It was already a brawl with fate as I tried to get up and manage to lean to a tree
Yolo, I can't stop here

[Storage : tinder, bow driller]

I took out a bow driller when making the previous bon fire
I collect the tinder near a pile of wasted branchs
but even then it was too late
I tried to pump down to create friction, but the cold prevented it
I don't have a choice! I kept on pumping...
But this time, the string went undone
I try a second attempt and tied the string again
The wood shaped because of of the wood going brittle

I topple down went flat again
I feel hungry, I just want to sleep
I crawl over to lean my head at a protruding branch
At least I went far?
I slept a soundless slumber

Albino's POV~

Seeing how Yuzuki's weak reaction after I peck her ear, she didn't respond.
Her vitals were dropping fast

She needs help...

I don't know what really draw me to her first, but I'm forever indebted to her for saving my life
She's my only friend I have after my exile from the flock
Travelling and seeing the world was my dream, who knew I will meet her soon after
I circled the area for somebody capable to help

Then I heard a sharp clomp at a distance
It was a big old man wearing thick pelt and carrying wood at his back
He seemed to be a old lubberjack
Perhaps he could be of some help
I quickly flew down to the man with a heavy jacket
I circled about the old man as I try to catch his attention
I even whoo-ed him
He just smile and said good night to you to birdie and went on his merry way
He was technically heading towards my mistress location, heading to the city with the same path

But... she isn't cut out for that long!
I rammed to his back to startle him
Then I went at front to get his attention

What is it birdie?

I finally got a response that I need
I point my wings to the direction of Yuzuki's location
Then I whoo-ed as loud as I can

Do you mean me to head there? In a hurry?

I whoo-ed once and quickly flew foward.
The man hasten his pace and started to followed me
Yes! The reaction I need!

As soon as I got there, Yuzuki was like a dead doll, but I flew to her side and it turns out she was still breathing.
Soon after, the big man started to looked around and stopped at Yuzuki's attempt to create fire
He soon proceeded rip a piece of his shirt, coil it around a branch, and thus making a fire.
Finishing the fire he held one near mistress
He prominently kneel down
Then he took off of one his gloves and placed one near her neck
Hello, hello can you hear me
His deep surreal call resonates the area
Then he chanted heat spell and a miracle happens

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