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The guests waited expectantly while Draco and Hermione stared at one another. A smile was growing on both of their faces. Then Hermione burst.


"Wait, seriously?" Draco asked in disbelief.

"Yes, yes! Yes I'll marry you!"

The guests all stood from their seats, clapping and whistling, cheering for the two. Draco couldn't help but laugh as he slipped the ring onto Hermione's finger, then stood and brought her in for a warm hug.

"You didn't just do this to get back at them, right?"

"Do you really think I could have said something like that if it was fake?" Hermione considered so Draco pressed. "Would I do this if it want real?" He pulled back and lifted Hermione up, pressing his lips firmly against hers. She kissed back and could feel Draco's smile beneath her own. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried herself into him.

She let go of him and pulled back for a second. "I love you, Draco."

"I love you too, Hermione." Their smiles were huge, bigger than theirs had ever been. They couldn't say anything else, so instead they just laughed hysterically, so caught up in the moment.

She took either side of his face, using her thumb to wipe away some of his tears, ignoring her own. She pulled him down and stood on her toes, then kissed him again, this time with much more passion and meaning.

When they heard an excited scream next to them, they pulled away just before Kriss's arms came around Hermione, crushing her into a tight hug. "Oh, Hermione I'm so happy for you! I knew it was Draco! I knew it!" Kriss exclaimed, jumping up and down. Hermione only laughed again, more tears spilling onto her cheeks. "Let me see the ring!" Kriss cried, sending Cho and Pansy into a frenzy to create a circle around Hermione who cautiously extended her hand to them, the diamond in the ring sparkling.

"Merlin's Beard! That's gotta be worth millions!" Pansy exclaimed, grabbing Hermione's had to get a better look at the ring.

"But wait. Hermione, you and Draco weren't even together before, right?" Cho asked, slightly confused.

Hermione shook her head. "No. But he knew I loved him."

Meanwhile, Ron had pulled Draco away too, shaking his hand and enveloping him into a warm, brotherly hug. "Welcome to the crazy family, Malfoy. Congratulations."

"Wait, but didn't you say you were waiting for someone?" Harry asked, coming up next to them.

"Hermione is the someone I was waiting for," Draco laughed, slightly surprised that Harry freaking Potter hadn't figured it out yet. Before Harry could say anything, though, a voice interrupted him.

"Draco, my man," Theo greeted, clapping Draco on the shoulder. "Congratulations, mate."

"Thanks Theo," Draco replied, pulling his friend in for, what the Muggle's called it, a bro hug. "Finally did it huh?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Hey, you okay, Draco? I haven't seen you smile this much since... ever."

"Ron, he just got engaged. And to Hermione Granger! I think he deserves to smile without feedback," Harry chuckled. Draco caught Hermione's eye over the crowd of people that surrounded them, and started to make his way to her. They both weaved around the guests until they met in the middle between the group of gushing girls and drunk guys.

He smiled wider, if that was even possible, and she did the same. Her arms came around his neck and his snaked around her waist. "Took you long enough, huh?" they said in unison, resulting in them both cracking up.

"I can't believe you said yes."

"And I can't believe you had the guts to ask!"

"Hermione, I've loved you since the day I met you in Diagon Alley ten years ago, and I'm going to keep loving you for as long as I live."

"I'm trying to stop crying!" She tightened her arms around his neck and pulled him down into another kiss. The guests cheered.

"Hermione," a voice whispered from beside them. They pulled back again, turning towards the sound. Hermione would know that voice anywhere.

"Mum." She let go of her new fiance and ran to where her mother and father stood, tears in their eyes. Her arms came around them in a tight embrace. "You came."

"Hermione." That was all her mother could say. Her father stepped away and her mother pulled her closer, burying her face into her shoulder.

Hermione's father, meanwhile, had turn to Draco who was watching Hermione and her mum with a smile. Her father cleared his throat, earning Draco's attention.

"Mr. Granger," he greeted, remembering the man in front of him from the summer he and Hermione had spent together.

"Mister Malfoy." He extended a hand for Draco to shake. He did, firmly. Mr. Granger seemed to be impressed by his handshake, allowing a ghost of a smile to show on his face. "Do you really love her?"

"Of course, sir. That's why I asked her to marry me. Uh, sir," he finished quickly.

"No need for that, dear boy. You're part of the family now." Finally Hermione's father smiled and brought Draco in for a hug. By now Hermione and her mother had pulled apart, grinning at the men. Hermione couldn't have been happier that her father approved.

Once her father stepped back, her mum hugged Draco, surprising him slightly. "Good choice, darling," Hermione's father told her, giving her a side hug while she continued to wipe away tears.

"I love him, dad. I really, really do."

"I know you do. I knew since you came home that day complaining about him. You really are brilliant, Hermione, but you never did realize that guys make fun of the girls they like."

Hermione didn't respond. Molly came up behind her and squeezed Hermione into a hug, throwing her into a fit of giggles. "Molly!"

"Congratulations, dear!" Arthur was also shaking hands with Draco, as well as Bill and George. Molly took Hermione's face in her hands and wiped away her tears, hugging her again.

When the guys allowed Draco space, Hermione had untangled herself from Mrs. Weasley. He brought her in for a hug which turned into another kiss. He lifted her off the ground and spun her slightly.  The guests that had made a circle around them cried out in joy once again.

Two people in particular clapped rather loudly, pushing apart the crowd to get to the two. They reluctantly backed apart again. They were a bit annoyed both, but when they saw the two they stopped.

Ginny and Blaise had a rather twisted look on their faces, not just one emotion but many. Ginny, being the Gryffindor she is, spoke first. "Hermione. Well, first off we wanted to say congratulations."

Hermione nodded in thanks as the Zabini's looked between one another, fighting for the right words.

"But we want to say sorry too."

"We didn't realize that we were excluding you guys. And then we forced all the wedding stress onto you and that was crossing a line."

"We are very happy for the both of you. And to show that..."

"This wedding isn't ours," Ginny continued. "It's yours. Everyone's here and everything's still set up. That is, if you're ready."

Hermione and Draco knew what Ginny meant. They looked at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation. Everyone quietly awaited their response. When they came to a decision, they turned to their friends.

"Why not?" Hermione answered, nearly laughing at herself and the situation. Ginny cheered and pulled Hermione into a hug which she was starting to get tired of but welcomed anyway. Blaise and Draco shook hands, hugging too.

"Well I for one, can't wait," a stong, familiar voice called out from behind them. Ginny and Blaise looked up, their eyes widening. Draco knew that voice, though he hadn't heard it in years.

He turned slowly, dropping his arm from around Hermione. His jaw went slack as he stared at the witch before him.


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