|36|: I Am Such A Huge Fan!

Start from the beginning

Within moments Drew came as he had his sunglasses on framing his eyes as his men were beside him.

"I don't even know why he bothers." Drew shook his head as his men took Turmoil away, teleporting away to the villain's dungeons.

"How are you?" He asked Chase cautiously.

"Well, beat the trash out of this guy. Twice. So feeling pretty evil." Chase nodded.

"That's what I like to hear, taking down one of the stray villains." Drew noted.

"I see you fought for justice." Drew spoke taking off his sunglasses. His cerulean eyes evident and held a knowing look.

"What do you mean?" Chase narrowed her eyes slightly.

"It's not normal to see you this way. You saved two girls from getting hurt. What made the change of heart?"

"Let's just say, Turmoil is very hard to work with."

"Is there something else?" Drew asked slowly.

"No." Chase answered as she stared at Drew.

He nodded his head.


Chase was seated at the top of an abandoned roof top, her usual place where she wanted to think. She had thought about the events that had happened in the past week or so.

Looking out into the city made her realise her adventurous lifestyle that she lives. It was great, it made her more confident and the dangerous person she is today.

She felt someone's presence.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked not needing to even look up to see who it was.

"I wanted to know how you disappeared." Avery's voice came as she stood beside Dianna.

"How'd you find me up here?"

"Um, I asked the Hotline? Someone named Drew told me that you could be here." Avery responded with a soft sigh.

"Can I sit here?"

"Sure." Dianna nodded her head slowly still looking in the distance.

Avery took a seat beside Dianna as they both looked afar.

"Seems like you had a rough day, already."

"You could say that."

There was a long and comfortable silence which both girls dwelled in. They had sat in silence for who knows how long, just enjoying the city's breath-taking view. The sun rising up, slowly as the sky was turning slightly orange.

"Do you remember when you talked to me about backstories?" Dianna began as Avery turned to face Dianna nodding her head slowly.

"Maybe its true, that we all have backstories." Avery listened to Dianna continue.

"No matter what our backstories are, we can't change them. But we can learn to trust someone and tell them about it." Avery wisely stated.

"Like I said, I'm going to be here when you want to tell me your backstory, I will never judge you." Dianna finally faced Avery as she looked at her.

"I wasn't always a villain." Dianna faced the front again as Avery looked confused.

"I was actually a superhero before."

There was a long thoughtful silence that lingered in the both of them.

"I loved being a superhero. I always had and I probably always will. The great times I've had saving people." Dianna looked down at her shoes that was hanging off the edge of the building.

"But I didn't get the full experience always."

"What- what does that mean?" Avery asked slowly.

"My full potential — my powers. They hadn't grown on me properly, so I wasn't able to use them." Dianna continued.

"My life was always filled with adventures, ever since I was seven years old, I'd always wanted to be a hero, and going on adventures. I was actually called the 'Adventure Princess'." She softly chuckled as Avery smiled at that.

"But being a superhero was hard. Everyone knew that. You had to be careful with whatever you did." There was a painful pause. "Then one day, I was framed for something I never did." Avery creased her eyebrows together curious as to what Dianna meant by that.

"What do you mean, framed?"

"Someone placed a false allegation on me, that I had set off the fire at the Headquarters and had leaked precious information to the villains." Avery looked astonished by this.


"Yeah. It's true. The Superheroes thought it was me. No matter how hard I tried to prove myself not guilty, they'd throw it back on me." She shook her head.

"But why'd they put the blame on you?"

"Because I apparently was the only person there. I was no where near the headquarters, I was occupied with some work."

"So I was placed on probation. I lost my powers. Three months." Avery's eyebrows shot up.

"But, a superhero, needs their powers to help the citizens of their city. In this case, Empire State City!" Avery justified.

"Exactly, but there were other good superheroes out there, who could do the job."

"What was your superhero name?"


"Wait, you're Chase as in THE Chase — the phenomenal superhero? I thought she was transferred to Keystone City! No wonder why your name sort of sounded familiar. I am such a huge fan!" Avery giggled as Chase shook her head.

"But wait, one day she was there, the next she vanished almost into thin air." Avery thought back.

"After probation, I didn't get my powers back, I had to work extremely hard to get them back. At that time, there was a terrible superhero-step in leader, Ashtrid, in charge. They were clueless and didn't know anything. The main superhero leader had gone to the next city for some urgent business."

"For three months?" Avery asked.

"Seemed like it." Dianna nodded. "But he did return and gave me my powers back."

"Who is this main superhero anyway?"

"My dad." Avery was taken aback.

"Your father? H-he was the main superhero?"

"He still is. He left his friend who had no idea what he was doing in charge. Possibly the worst mistake he'd done. But obviously, he works at the hotline."

"The Penthouse Hotline?"

"Yeah, by now he has decent information and actually knows how superheroes work." Dianna included.

"After probation, I had lost a lot of things. My rank went from number two to number eight, to gradually number eighty. It was harsh, a cruelty. I had been kicked to the curb and no one believed me. Not even..." Dianna trailed off as Avery softly spoke.

"Not even, someone important to you?"

"Storm. Sam Storm, he was my boyfriend at the time."

Avery thought back to the name, Sam, she had heard it from somewhere. When it suddenly hit her, Sam was the one who she talked to the second time she called, The Penthouse Hotline. As well as Storm? He was her-.

"You're superhero crush." Dianna already spoke as Avery's eyes widened.

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