Two hours later, RK along with his friends come running to the platform. "There is the TTR, let's find out your seat number." Mukund says. "I don't care about my seats I want to find out Madhu's seat." RK says. "That's what. You shut up and come with me." Mukund says authoritatively then turning to Sultan he asks "What is Madhu's surname?" "I don't know." Sultan shrugs then noticing everyone glaring at him, Sultan adds on with a smile "But I know it is going to be Kundra soon." Everyone starts smiling approvingly while RK rolls his eyes, then starts grinning himself. Taking RK's tickets Mukund walks towards the TTR who was busy with other passengers.  "Sir, seat number." Mukund says as he passed RK's ticket to him. As the TTR scanned his chart, Mukund leaning towards him started scanning the chart along with him. Feeling someone's hand on his shoulders TTR turns to his side, he asks Mukund with a frown "What?" "Nothing I was just helping you check." "You stand there I will check and tell you." Mukund nods and moves back. "S1 seat 31." TTR says giving back the ticket after marking it in his chart and the ticket. "Thank you." Mukund says as he took the ticket back. TTR was about to talk to another passenger when Mukund pokes him, he turns to Mukund "Can you tell me what is Madhubala's seat and coach?" TTR starts staring at him. "She is my bhabhi." Mukund says. "Then call her and ask." TTR says sarcastically "She doesn't have a cell." "When the chart is put up, you check." TTR angrily says and goes back to his work.

"When is the chart put up?" RK asks his friends. "It should be put up by now." Sultan says as he looks at the train. "Yeah, but some times, they will put it up only in the second or third station." Saket explains. They get inside the train to keep RK's bags. Suddenly Sultan wonders out loud "For all you know, she could be travelling in AC." "RK, do one thing," Mukund starts "Once the train starts you check the sleepers then when it stops at any station, you get down and get into the AC compartments and check. And come with me.." Mukund says as he leads RK, "this is.." RK cuts him off seeing the toilets "Dude, I don't want to go to the bathroom. I want to meet Madhu!" Rolling his eyes Mukund says "Look there, the bogeys are connected, so without getting out of the train you can go to the next bogey. This way, you can go searching for her easily." "Oh okay." RK says embarrassed. "Good thing you are in S1, now you can start from one end to the other." Saket says. RK nods his head excitedly finally he was going to talk to his Madhu in a few minutes. "Let's get out, the train will leave anytime now." Sultan suggests. "Yeah you guys leave. " RK agrees and all of them leave after wishing RK luck. Once his friends left, RK started his search.

An hour later, RK reached S12 but there were no traces of Madhu. Since the train was in between stations, he decided to walk back to his seat once again looking at all the passengers. He was around S3 when his cell started ringing. Seeing Sultan's name flashing RK picks up the phone "Hey Sultan." "Did you find her?" "No, once the train stops at a station I am going to check the AC compartments." "Okie.. RK.. Actually' know my girlfriend Trishna is in college hostel right? And Madhu is also in college hostel.." When Sultan hesitates RK asks "What is it Sultan?" "Ermm.. I was talking to Trishna and she happened to overhear Madhu talking to Dipali." "About what?" "Apparently Madhu was on waiting list, and she was going to go to the net cafe to check her ticket status, and if her tickets are not confirmed she was asking Dipali whether she could share her berth with her as Dipali had confirmed tickets." "So?" RK asks confused. "Dipali is going by tomorrow's train." "DAMMIT!" RK says angrily and disappointed. "I am sorry RK." "It's okay." RK says trying to mask his disappointment.  "But you know Trishna knows Madhu's phone number and also her address." "WHAT?" RK asks excited. "Yeah.. here take it down." Sultan says happily and proceeds to tell RK, Madhu's address and phone number. RK saves it in his phone. "OHMIGOD!" RK says loudly. "What happened?" "All this while, she was in my college and I didn't know that and now I find out her house is just two blocks away from my house." "And you had to meet her in the middle of the road in Delhi." Sultan says and starts laughing "I guess this is what you call destiny." "Yeah! Thanx, man." RK says sincerely. "Come on RK, we are friends and there is no thank..." Sultan stops and then says cheekily "By the way I love your mother's prawns pickle." RK starts laughing "I will get you truck loads when I get back." "What's the need for all that RK?" Sultan says in fake modesty "But if you are insisting then I will take." "You are such a pig, Sultan." RK says good-naturedly. "hahaha... anyway I will talk to you when you reach home. Bye." "Bye!" RK says as he hangs up.

RK starts walking to his seat as he thought of what to tell Madhu when he calls her up. By the time he reached his seat, Madhu and he were married in his day dream. He was about to sit when he noticed somebody sitting on his seat and then he stopped dead as he realized WHO was sitting. Madhu. His Madhu. The one he had been looking for in the entire train and she was sitting in his seat. RK slowly looks at the side upper berth and sees someone already laying there and then it hit him; he had to share the side lower berth with Madhu!!! He slowly sits on the seat opposite to Madhu as his heart started singing happy tunes. Madhu turned to look at him and he smiles at her, she smiles back and then totally ignoring him she took her cell and started typing messages.

As RK thought of how to start talking to her, Madhu was busy messaging Purvi "OMG OMG OMG! You won't believe who is in my train. RK! And I have to share a berth with him. With RISHABH KUNDRA! Haayi mein marjawa!"


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- Lazy

Rishabala : Luck By Chance (Three Shots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن