Chapter 5: Magic of Stilettos

Start from the beginning

"What are you going to do?"

Raven took a deep breath. "First things first, I'm keeping the baby. My mom is pushing me to get an abortion but I just don't believe in that kind of crap. I know that it'll be hard but I'll find a way."

With that Raven grabbed some gloves, slipped them on and headed over to the sink. Kathryn never thought that Raven was a strong girl. She was always emotional, the gossip-y type and was even childish at times. Though Raven was proving her wrong.

And Kathryn liked that.

She dipped the mop and squeezed out the water as she started mopping the already dirty floors.

By the time, Kathryn's spot at the register came, the coffee shop was in full swing. She untied her apron and hung it on the apron rack as she drummed her fingers on the front desk. Raven had also calmed down and looked a lot better than she was earlier this morning.

Kathryn tried to start up a light conversation but Raven just wasn't up to it.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" She tried.

There was no answer from Raven's part.

"To twerk with Miley!" Kathryn laughed.

Still silence.

Kathryn sighed in defeat as she greeted the next customer. It was the type of customer's that she hated.

People her age.

They were rude, total assholes and didn't tip well. They were boys she had seen around school but made no effort to talk to. They were just a bunch of punks who thought that smoking cigarettes were fun. One of them she had in a math class but the rest of the teens she didn't know all too well.

"Good afternoon and welcome to Cool Beans. Can I take your order?"

"Four black coffees". A boy with a paper clip for an earring said.

Didn't that thing cause an infection?

Punching down the order, Kathryn ringed up a price and watched as the boys argued on who was paying for the coffee this time. It wasn't every day that she worked here where the teenagers were pretty cheap.

At the end, they all agreed on splitting the price into fours. After much debate and some help from Kathryn on the math part since it was somehow difficult to divide twenty by four, she finally had gotten them all settled.

"I heard you Victor broke up with you," one of them called out as Kathryn organized the money in the cash register.

"Is that what he's telling people?" She questioned with a smirk.

The boy shrugged. "That's what I heard. But if I had a girl as sexy as you as my girlfriend, you probably would never leave my house."

Ew. Kathryn thought. Boys like him weren't even her type.

She had a thing for musicians.

Ignoring his response, she busied herself with organizing the miscellaneous things that littered the front desks until their coffees were ready. Setting the cups on a tray, she traveled to their booth and presented them with their drinks.

As Kathryn was about to leave, she could help but feel a pinch on her ass. She whipped her head around so quick that she almost snapped her neck. Glaring at the same boy she talked to earlier, she couldn't help but feel a certain pleasure of punching him.

"Did you just pinch my ass," she asked slowly hoping for this boy's sake that he didn't.

"Your welcome," he said with a smug look.

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