Chapter 6: Leak Week

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Its been a two weeks since Kathryn has heard back from Charlie. Now that she was jobless, she would have to rely on her parents money even more so in order to get gas in her car and other amenities. Something that she was trying to avoid since working at the Cool Beans.

Word of her incident at the coffee shop had spread around Trinity High. And by lunchtime, she was known as a heart breaker and a man abuser. Kathryn was just happy that regardless of what has been happening with her lately, Shane was still around.

"Another Deli sub?" Ethan questioned with a nauseating look.

"I'll stop eating subs if you stop drinking chocolate milk."

"Chocolate milk is good calcium," he protested.

That was basically how lunch with Kathryn's friends always started. An aimless argument that had everyone laughing by the end of lunch. Shane or Paige would usually be the voice of reason and that's how most arguments ended on mutual agreement.

After lunch Cora accompanied Kathryn to her locker where they ran into Victor and Vanessa. She wasn't surprised to see them going out. Through various sources, Kathryn discovered that Victor and Vanessa were hooking up for months now. He was supposed to find the right time to break up with Kathryn, but never got around to do that. Those were a few reasons why Vanessa and Victor never got along around her.

Not like Kathryn cared.

"Hello Kathryn and...friend," Victor said as she was pulling out her history book.

"What do you want Richie Rich?" Cora questioned with a scowl. Kathryn never knew how much Cora hated rich people until she saw the way that Cora reacted to all of Victor's friends. Though her anger was usually saved specifically for Victor.

"None of your business. How about you scurry back to the hole where you came from?"

"How about you high tail your vagina out of here," Cora retorted. Kathryn admired the way that Cora stood up for herself. She didn't care what anyone thought of her and only looked out for those she genuinely cared for.

Setting his gaze on Kathryn, Victor grabbed a hold of her hand and let his thumb run over the back of her hand. She always thought it was weird when Victor did that. Now that they weren't a thing anymore, it just felt downright creepy.

Releasing her hand, Victor blew a kiss at Kathryn's direction and casually threw his arm around Vanessa who seemed at a loss for words. It wasn't like Vanessa to stay silent for so long; but Victor was an asshole who still thought that they were both together even though he was currently dating Vanessa.

How did that work?

Once Kathryn collected her books, she followed Cora to her locker who was uncharacteristically quiet. As Cora threw in her combination, Kathryn switched her books to her other arm to make herself more feel comfortable. A flyer floated down to her feet when Cora reached for her textbook and what smelled like yesterday's lunch.

"What is this?" Kathryn asked as she read the flyer. From the looks of it, it looked like a volunteering service for a little tyke's ballet class.

"I need community service," Cora explained closing her locker. "So my mom thought it'd be good to sign me up. Do you wanna tag along?"

The bell rang for the end of upperclassmen lunch as Kathryn mulled over the idea of being surrounded by little kids in tights. She adored them and being able to assist them on their dreams didn't seem like a bad idea. Even though she had enough hours, it wouldn't hurt to add a little more to over 200 hours that she logged.

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