My Masked Date

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Four drinks later, he still haven't texted me.

Six drinks laters, I'm a little tipsy but still no sign of Superman.

I was about to down my eighth drink when Jesy found me again. She stopped me, telling me that I shouldn't get drunk and enjoy the party. But how am I gonna do that if I still don't have a date?

"No, Jes, I'm fine!" I slurred. "I need this."

"Perrie, stop it. It's bad for you. You know what happens when you're drunk right? You do crazy things and we're preventing that since I couldn't take care of you." Jesy's scolding voice is not what I wanted to hear tonight but she's right. Again. I put down the glass I was holding and just excused myself from her so I could fix myself.

I went inside the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I look like a mess. I sighed and just fixed my hair and make up.

As I made my way out of the comfort room, my peripheral vision caught a glimpse of a man who has curly golden brown hair together making out with a red headed girl. I know who they are.

I marched towards them and suddenly they stopped giggling at each other and their eyes darted towards me. His eyes went wide and the girl next to him seemed scared.

I took a deep breath, and calmed myself down.

As much as I wanted to slap him in the face and pull that girl's hair out, I can't. I have to stop myself from causing a scene. This was supposed to be the happiest night of my entire highschool life. This night was supposed to be 'our' night but it turned out to be a nightmare. The kind of nightmare that I never wanted to think of again.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fist.

Perrie, calm down. Breathe.

How am I supposed to calm my fucking self down when I'm hurt so freakin' bad?

Don't cause a scene. Stop yourself.

I'm trying my very best to stop myself from attacking my boyfriend and my roommate slash bestfriend. They have no idea how hurt I am right now.

Just walk away. Don't mind them.

And I just listened to what that mini voice inside my head told me. I slowly turned around and walked away from Alex, away from the person who stole my heart and broke it, away from the man I'm supposed to enjoy the night with, away from them.

I have to fight the tears from falling or else, it will just ruin the make up I spent hours on putting. I have to be strong and hold the tears back so I won't look weak.

I returned to our table earlier and ordered drinks, many many drinks.


The first drink is for all the pain I've felt after seeing him love somebody else. It was all for the first man I fell inlove with. It was also for the man who broke my heart for the very first time.


Two days ago, he was still inlove with me...atleast that's what I thought. Two days ago, he told me that he loves me and couldn't wait to see me on my Supergirl costume. Two weeks ago, he kissed me on the lips after declaring his love for me. Two months ago, I was lost and he found me. He made me feel loved, he made me feel special. But two minutes ago, he fuckin' kissed somebody else on the lips right in front of my face. Two seconds ago, my heart was crushed.

And all this pain was caused by the two persons I trusted the most.


Three drinks later, I'm a little tipsy. I couldn't think straight. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. My boyfriend didn't ditched me, he replaced me. And not just by any girl, it had to he my freakin' roommate. My roommate slash bestfriend for three years.

JERRIE One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu