Chapter 2: Betrayal

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The next morning, We awoke to the clatter of officers shoving us outside. It was still dark when we walked out. We made our way into a line to get "breakfast," I had eaten for two days, so even a tiny piece of bread and cold tomato soup tasted incredibly refreshing. I tried to eat the soup slow, and broke up the piece of bread in my pocket, so I would have crumbs to nibble on throughout the day. We then mad our ways down to the dirt so we could work more. I worked hard and put in my all, Because today they would be picking off who to kill (Since more people had come in.)

When the main officer walked up about 4-5 hours later, he stood in a line with the rest of the officers. One by one, he chose different people to die. The officers would walk up and grab them, he took 23 people to there death. Including alittle boy named tanner who was only 8 years old. I closed my eyes, so I wouldn't cry. I hammered at the ground until there were dents. I kept telling myself, "Only 7 more hours till I'm out of here."

That night, I arose from my bed when everyone fell asleep on top of each other. Thats how we had to sleep though, I slept on a strangers hip, and a stranger slept on my hip. Comfy and cozy, right? I tried not to wake anyone as I ran outside to where the guard was. He nodded his head, I had a huge grin on my face. I ran towards the gate. Twenty feet... ten feet... eight feet. Suddenly, big hands grabbed me and forced me to the ground. Then, they proceeded to beat me with stick, And kick me repeatedly. I had blood everywhere, and everything hurt. I was terribly afraid and when the sirens went off, I knew that guard tricked me. And the penalty for trying to escape? Being hung. I was going to die that morning....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2012 ⏰

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