Chapter 6: He dosen't look a thing like Jesus but he talks like a gentleman

Start from the beginning

"I don't even know why that surprises me," I muttered.

Taiga leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Same thing I was thinking," he whispered in my ear which made my face heat up.

"I'll more than likely be back before dinner Corina," Taiga informed me before leaving the room.

Soon I was finished Opal's stomach pouch, I looked up at the clock as Opal woke up in my arms. He stretched before jumping down onto the floor. He let out a meow before sticking one paw into his pouch testing it out.

I grinned at him. "You should go before you miss your date and Kimmy becomes angry at you," I reminded him.

Opal's eyes widened and he let out a loud meowing before he darted under my bed, a second later he returned holding a bat, a bird and a rat in his mouth. He stuffed the dead creatures into his pouch before grabbing a shiny ribbon that was on the floor.

So that's his wedding anniversary present, I bet Kimmy would love it after all she always did seem to like colorful fabrics.

It was around lunchtime when Matthew came home smelling like cigarettes, liquor, and perfume. I met him in the front lobby.
I crossed my arms as I scowled at him. "Matthew we need to talk about something extremely important," I informed him as I watched him stumble a bit.

He smiled at me. "What did those detectives come back?"

I let out a sigh and grabbed Matthew's hand, then I began walking toward his office. Once inside I locked the door behind us. Matthew walked over to his chair and sat down behind his desk. "So Corina, what is so important that you couldn't just tell me in the lobby?" He asked me.

I fidgeted nervously for a few moments before I placed the threatening letter on the desk in front of him without saying a word.

He opened it and as he read it his expression turned to one of rage. "Who in the fuck sent this? The asshole can't act like a man and talk to me so he tries to go through you," he growled.

I sighed. "There was a picture of it too. A picture of you in a seedy bar filled with...homosexuals talking to a man. Matthew, you know I'll love you no matter what after all you're the only good family I have left. But are you a queer?" I asked softly.

"Of course I'm fucking not," he snapped before reigning in his temper. "I was there for business a very valuable associate of mine goes there. And while I wish I didn't have to go there I had to maintain his trust and my own honor. If I hadn't shown up he would have thought I was weaker than a woman and broke ties possibly creating a gang war between me and him," he explained.

I let out a breath that I hadn't remember holding. "Okay, but someone is still following you. I sent Taiga to see if he could find the bar hopefully we can find out who's tailing you," I told him as I sat down in a nearby chair.

"The bar is in a back alley and you usually have to go in couples to get in. He might have trouble finding it in this city," Matthew said.

"Don't underestimate a tracker demon Matthew especially one like me. Also, you're no longer human how anyone managed to tail you is astonishing. Even with all this power you still think like a human," Taiga said as he entered the room.

"How in the world did you unlock the door," Matthew asked slowly.

Taiga smirked and lifted one hand to show that his threads were moving around above his arm like worms. And despite the fact that they were clearly threaded when on his body once they were off of him they turned into some metal like string.

Taiga removed the picture from his pocket and tossed it into the fireplace. "I asked some questions inside the club. The bar's owner said that a strange man with a camera had been wandering around the block near the bar. And that since he was acting strange and dressed like a cop is the reason he remembered the man. The owner believed that a raid was going to happen."

Matthew glared at Taiga. "Fuck you. Also, how did you get in there without a male partner?"

Taiga smirked. "Well, the bartender told me that I was a beautiful young man and welcomed back anytime. In fact, he gave me his home number."

Matthew let out a groan as he rolled his eyes. "So I'm being followed so that they can blackmail Corina. How do we fix this issue?"

I smiled at Matthew. "Truthfully I already have an idea."

"Your smile doesn't make me feel at ease you know," Matthew sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Well starting tomorrow I'll be going with you to not only meet your business associates but also to your factory where you produce the opium," I said cheerfully.

"Corina I love you but it's dangerous, two that plan sounds like you've lost all of your marbles," Matthew told me.

I smiled as I sat down on Matthew's desk, crossed my legs and tapped one finger on its surface. "Big brother, whether you like it or not I'm coming with you. I may have bodyguards but I know how to handle myself, you should know that better than anyone," I said in a sickly sweet voice. However, beneath the layers of sweetness, there was malice and a warning.

Matthew paled and began rolling a pen around between his fingers. "Okay...maybe you do have a point. Just stick close to me when we go to the warehouse, the men who work for me don't exactly have the highest moral compass," he mumbled.

I shrugged and gestured to Taiga then Matthew. "When have I ever cared about someone's moral compass?" I asked.

That night I found Taiga helping the kitchen staff cook dinner. I walked up to him from behind and wrapped my arms around him taking in his warmth.

"Mistress, if you wanted my attention all you had to do was ask," he told me as he held my hand.

"Will you just be quiet and give me a kiss? It's been a long day," I grumbled as my face grew hot and my cheeks red.

Taiga chuckled before turning around to face me. "Someone is affectionate today," he said before his lips met mine.

I heard the entire kitchen staff go quiet. Taiga lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. It was only when he placed my down on a nearby wooden table that I came back to my sense and looked around my face red.

"What in the world are you imbeciles looking at either leave or get back to work!" I snapped.

At that moment many of the cooks decided that they were going to take their smoke break or try to focus as hard as possible on their work.

Taiga's lips moved to my throat and I jumped slightly when his fangs grazed my skin. His hand crept up my dress tugging at my underwear pulling it down my legs.

"What in the fuck are you two doing! And in the kitchen no less?" Matthew snapped as he entered the room.

I tried to answer him but couldn't due to the shock and embarrassment. Taiga took a deep breath and whispered a string of curses that I'd only heard said by aroused men at bars.

He turned and glared at Matthew. "Well Matthew, as you can see I was trying my best to fuck your sister on this kitchen table but you had to come and ruin the moment. Soooo, while my cock is currently as hard as one of those diamond rings you're wearing I have to ignore it and get back to cooking. So fuck you," Taiga explained in an icy tone as he fixed his wrinkled clothing.

For a moment Matthew was quiet then he spoke, "You talk in a way that makes Satan himself blush."

Taiga shrugged. "You can't fault me for loving your sister."

Matthew ran a hand over his face. "I can't fault you for that but, I can fault you for the fact that you tried to have your way with her on the kitchen table which is extremely unsanitary," he grumbled.

Matthew left the room muttering curses under his breath. I hopped down off the table and lifted up the hem of my dress to adjust my underwear which Taiga had tugged down to the middle of my thighs.

I really wish Matthew had come in later. I wouldn't mind climbing into bed with Taiga. Maybe another time, right now I need a cold shower.

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