~Chapter 1 : The beginning of the adventure ~

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=Scott's Point Of View=

I was walking peacefully in my little village, enjoying the sweet heat and the reassuring light of the summer sun. The streets were noisy: the carts were coming and going, the merchants were shouting to sell their many and various products and people were talking to one another about various topics ... And in this hubbub, I heard the voice of a young woman calling my name.

"Scott! Scott!" she called out "Oh, Fiona! What's going on?" I said, a bit surprised to see her after such a long time "Well... My husband is at war and I wanted to know if you could bring this letter to the King so he can give his approval and send it to my husband?" she kindly asked, "Oh sure!" I smiled at her "Oh lord, thank you so much Scott!" she handed me the letter as soon as I gave my answer "I'll take some supplies then I go right after, so your letter will arrive faster!" I said as I took the letter and put it in my bag, "I can give you food if you need some! Come with me!" She smiled and walked toward her house "Okay, thank you Fiona!" I thanked her and followed close

~After taking some provisions and saying good bye to Fiona~

I was finally on the road of my long adventure. People generally have to cross a road that spans a huge cliff to reach the royal city. And who says cliff, says bridge... Unlucky as I can be, it happened that the bridge we are talking about was broken when I arrived! Fortunately for me -some would say unfortunately- there is another way to get through, the problem is that this path... Goes through the forest. And in this forest there is a huge number of creatures that can shred me or even swallow me whole! And among these creatures there is my worst enemy: the Naga. According to some rumors, there is only one remaining in this forest, but "it" is extremely strong. So far, no one has succeeded in defeating him, and only one person came out alive from his deadly grip to tell what he saw. After getting into the fine detail, he died by the venom that the beast had injected into him. These monsters are really horrible and dangerous! And yet I have to walk through its land to deliver a message which will surely never be sent or even read! But hey... These are the hazards of business!

After walking for a long time, I finally arrived at the edge of this mini terrestrial hell called "Forest". I took a deep breath and then breathed out for a long time, and finally took the first step in the forest. The twigs scattered here and there cracked under my feet, adding to the gentle chirping of the birds. This sound atmosphere was particularly pleasant, and I finally understood why my parents loved to walk there, no matter what this fake paradise provides with.

I sank deeper into the forest, in the most unobtrusive way so that I would not disturb the many creatures living in this forest, but especially so that I would not wake up or attract those that could end my days... After a while, I came to a clearing with a long river in the middle ending at a small lake. There was a big flat rock in the middle of the small open space. A perfect place for a creature fond of sunbathing and of warmth... On the ground, the grass lying in the shape of a wave confirm my hypothesis! And so does the hissing of this scaly creature I can hear now! 'Wait... A... Hissing?' I slowly turned my head and screamed in fear, making several birds fly away from the trees...

Purple Guy!Naga x Messenger!Scott - ENG VersionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα