"You're welcome." the new girl said quietly. I smiled at her cuteness

"Yeah, peace out!" Blaire yelled holding up peace signs.

I glared at her, "I can hear you, you know. I'm literally standing a couple feet away."

"I know." she said smirking.

I stuck up my middle finger at her.

"You're number one too." Blaire said grinning and holding up her middle finger.

I hate her so much, I thought, she makes my blood boil.

I slammed the car door and walked into my house.

My house was just your average looking house. It was nothing compared to the new girls.

I threw my things on my couch and continued walking threw the house.

"Hey mom i'm home!" i yelled.

no answer i went into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge it read,
I have to work late so i won't be home till later tonight. There's food in the fridge if you're hungry. - mom,

P.S. I hope you had a good day at school today. Love you!

I sighed and went upstairs, skipping dinner since I already ate, to take a shower. Once I got out I changed into a pair of compression shorts and tank top, then flopped down on my bed and watched some t.v.

I ended up thinking about today and how stressful and tiring it was especially since I met the new girl. I mean yeah she's beautiful and her quiet voice is so adorable, but i didn't like how she would hardly say anything to me, but was all happy and talkative with Blaire.

You would think things would change a bit ever since that moment we shared in the library. Guess not.

Now that i think about what was that spark i felt. It made me feel vulnerable when it happened. It was strange, because with just one brush of her hand sent chills through me, not even my boyfriend made me feel like that. I kinda liked it.

She makes me feel different when I'm around her, it wasn't a bad different, but a good one. I really need to figure this out and I started thinking the only way to do so is that I have to get to know her more. I decided to see what I'm feeling towards her, I would have to mess with hers.

This shouldn't be so hard to do, I mean I mess with people all the time so it should be a piece of cake.

Throughout the rest of the night I just laid there thinking until i fell asleep.

Bzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzz

Who would be calling at this time? I thought to myself.

I rubbed my eyes then rolled over to answer my phone that's on my nightstand. I checked the caller ID and saw it was Emily.

Sighing I answered my phone, "Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"What are you talking about? it's 7:30 in the morning."

"What!" I yelled. I quickly jumped up and opened my curtains and noticed it was morning.

"Yeah it is, I was just calling to remind you we have a cheer meeting at 7:45."


"Don't tell me you forgot."

I totally forgot

"About that, I won't be able to make it, so can you cover for me and tell the coach I had car trouble or something."

"I guess, but if I get in trouble I'm bringing you down with me."

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