So get up

Lets start a riot, a riot

Lets start a riot, a riot,

Lets start a riot, a riot

Lets start a riot

I was punching to the beat of the music, when a calloused hand touched my shoulder. Still being paranoid, I turned around and punched him in the face, then continued to knee him... down there. When he fell to the ground I noticed his uniform. He worked here!

Holy shit!

"I am so sorry!" I shrieked falling to my knees. 

He groaned, before standing up. "Don't worry about it kid. But you do pack quite a punch... Have you ever considered teaching a class here?"


That night, I went home with a job. Great! Now, I'm a racer, a model, an athlete, a Queen, and a teacher.

"Stephanie!" Spencer yelled as he glided down the stairs.

"H-he called you too?" I stammered. He nodded before dragging me into the kitchen where there were already two plates of pie.

Have I ever mentioned that I love pie? I love it more then I love my mother... But then again, the Jews love Hitler more then I love my mother...(Not to be offensive!)

Anyways back to my dilemma. "The guys are in New York, what are we going to do?" I asked

"Who said they were in New York?" Someone said from behind me.

"Alek?!?" I shouted. 

"M.C's could afford it, and put money together so that the G.C's could come too." Spencer explained. (M.C- Modes child, G.C- Gangster child.)

"Spencer! Has Stepha- Woah!" Ashton yelled running into the kitchen with Leonard, Sebastian and Ryder. As soon as he saw Alec, he started yelling for the rest of the guys to come out. Everyone knew everyone except Ryder, so I did a quick introduction.

"Nice you meet you all." Ryder smiled.

Ohh, this should be interesting!


We ended up heading down to my beach house. It was huge, meaning that all of us could comfortably fit. Throughout the entire night, Ryder stuck to my side. I wouldn't have minded if I wasn't trying to catch up with the guys. 

"So Stephanie, how much trouble have you gotten into since I last saw you?" Samantha asked. She was the only female (other then me) in the gang. She wasn't a Models Kid or a Gangsters pet, but her boyfriend Keegan was the child of one of my dads gang members, so he was one of the most essential member of our gang. 

"I've actually been cutting down!" I boasted. Ryder broke out in laughter.

"Y-you've c-c-cut down?!?" H said in between laughs.

"She's telling the truth..." Sebastian said. Both Ashton, and Leonard nodded.

"You should'a seen her in NYC. The police knew her by name." Ashton said. 

"Aw. has Rosie become soft?" Everyone's eyes shot to the newest member of the gang. 

"Lord, help us..." Sebastian mumbled.

"Look, Jonathan... your new, so shut the fuck up." I spat, trying to control the urge to jump across the coffee table and strangle him.

"Nah, I'm good. I think our Leader is going soft." He said again. Half the people in the room stood up and tried to block me from him. But I'm Stephanie... well you know,

I clenched my teeth. "Is that a challenge?"

And that's how I ended up going home to change. So that I could break into the local prison.

I was gonna end it here, but...

"Okay. Here's your challenge, Stephanie. You have to get and and get out in under 30 minutes, with only what you have with you." Johnathan said and crossed his arms.

"That's all? Oh wow, you really don't know me. I bet, I could get in, and get out, with... both hands handcuffed, then steal the keys to the cells, in..." I turned to Spencer. "15 minutes?"

"I'd say 10." He smirked.

I turned back to face Johnathan, who looked pale. "So, who has the stop watch?" I asked.

(I was gonna end it here too but, I'm so nice!)

Thank god I had my hair in a bun. It meant that there were a bunch of bobby pins in there. I roughly shook my head until it fell on my shoulders. I used my teeth the grab one out my hair then dropped it, so I could pick it up with my hands.

Get in. Check.

Now I had to get the keys. This was the most challenging part. I quickly ran to where I knew they would be. thank God for my nights spent in here...

The sheriff was arguing with a prisoner and had his back to me. So, as quietly as I could, I snuck into his office. I frantically searched everywhere. And just as I found them, I heard some boots coming closer. I grabbed the keys and hid in the closet of orange prison clothes.

"Stupid criminals... I need a nap..." The officer mumbles. 

'Crap' I thought to myself. 'I doubt this nap is going to be less then a minute long...'

Outside the window, I heard the guys counting down from 45.

"What the hell?" The officer grumbled, and I once again heard his heavy boots, this time though, they were getting farther.

I took the opportunity to dash out the closet and open the window. I fell to the ground, right as they got the 15.

"We need to go. Officers coming!" I shouted before taking off.


I was wiped. Not whipped. Wiped. I was so freaking tired, that I refused to walk up the stairs. Spencer stayed at the beach house a little longer, but the boys and I went home.

"G'night Kitten. Ashton said and placed a kiss on my forehead. The others did the same.

Before I drifted to sleep, I heard my door open.

"Stevie? Can we talk?" Ryder questioned looking very nervous.

I groaned. "In the morning." 

And the last thing I remember, was pulling him down onto the bed, and him wrapping his arms around me, before I fell asleep.

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