Chapter 3

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My plan didn't work. At all. I mean, sure, I got through the first 15 minutes of dinner, but after that it went all down hill. She just kept on pushing it. 

'Stephanie, hows the principal? Is she still your only friend?'

'You know Stephanie, when Victoria was your age, she was doing some modeling... but then again, she had talent.'

But it was the last one that really set me off.

'Stephanie, how is your boyfriend of the hour?'

You have to understand. By this point,  was already pissed, so I had no control of the words tumbling out my mouth. "I don't know mom, how is yours?"

Both Mom and Colby's jaw dropped. But Spencer looked relieved. "Thank the Lord. If you didn't say something, I would have."

He then turned to mom. "Stephanie is one of the most popular girls at school. Do you know how many phone calls she gets? During the nights, we have to un-plug the phone!" Yeah, because there are many horny boys late at night... "And, for your information, she hasn't been to the principal in a while now!" Actually I have, its just that Mrs. Jones doesn't call anymore... "And she's right, who the fuck are you to talk?!?"

"Spencer and Steph-"

"Stevie, Mom. Stevie. When the fuck are you going to catch on?!?" I shout.

She ignored my comment, and continued. "To your rooms, now!" 

"Gladly!" I spat. "Oh, and try to keep your moans to a minimal tonight mom. I have school in the morning!"

This got a laugh from Spencer. I was about to say something else, but he literally dragged me to the stairs.

Once upstairs, he fell on my carpet, laughing. 

"That- w-was- priceless!" 

I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed, pulling my laptop onto my lap. "Whatever Spence. But, I think we both knew, that I wasn't going to last the whole dinner."

"Well, you could've. But she kept making those uncalled for comments..." he sighed, running his hands through his curly brown hair, making it look even more crazy.

I get up and pull on my leather jacket. "It doesn't matter. I'm gonna go see my baby. Wanna come?" 

"Yeah sure. I haven't seen you race in a while. Give me five minutes." 


You know how I said I could only race once a day? Well, I can do more, if I register under Spenser's name. He can legally race because he's 19, so why not take advantage of that?

Right before I could join my next race, someone stepped in front of Spencer's bike. "Stevie, take a break. This is your 6th race in a row." I sighed before pulling over to the side and kicking the stand.

A water bottle was thrusted at me, and I accepted it without giving the person a glance.

"Stevie, there's some kid, who says he wants a one on one with you." Carl sighed. "And use your own bike, will ya?" he asked in his thick Jersey accent.

Who the hell would challenge the Queen? I've never been beat. I mean, when my dad was first teaching me, he never let me race, so the first time I did race, I was pretty darn good.

"Good luck Stevie. Kick this moron's ass!" Spencer shouted.

"Racers take your mark. Get set. Go!"

I have to admit. This guy had some skill. But not enough to beat me. I, of course, came in first. 

"Wow. I'm impressed. You're better then I thought you would be." My opponent said. Why did his voice sound familiar?

I pulled off my helmet, and placed it under my arm. "Uhh, thanks... Who are you?" 

He threw his hand over his chest. "Aww, Stephanie, you don't recognize my voice? I'm hurt!" 

Before I could reply, Spencer came and threw an arm over my shoulder. "Stevie, you just got me one grand!" I smirked up at him.

"You know what you should do for me?"

He waved his hand around."Yeah yeah, I know, I'l go get you your pie right now." 

Spencer climbed into his car, and headed across the street, leaving me and the stranger alone."Pie?" Mr. Stranger asked.

"Pie." I grinned before pushing my hair or if my face. "Now who the hell are you?"

"Stephanie, it's me-"

"Babe! There you are. You did so good riding around that circle thingy!" Some bimbo, ran up. Before anyone could say anything, she yanked off his helmet, and planted her lips on his. The kiss looked disturbing. She kept moving her head from side to side, causing her slobber to be spread all over the strangers face.

"I'm gonna go now." I said while she was washing his face with spit. I saw him try to push her away, but she must not have understood the gesture and instead planted his hands on her boobs.

"Have fun with... that!" I smirked and walked off.


The next day, I wasn't in the mood to even try. I pulled on some jean shorts, and my superman sweatshirt with some black converse. I let my hair air dry, and added  minimal amount of makeup.

At school, I was too lazy to get kicked out of any of my classes, so I sat in the back, and instead did all my work. Shocking. I know.

At lunch, I sat with Simone and her twin brother Simon. The day was going great, until gym came along. The guys coach got fired, and now, for the rest of the year, the guys would be joining the girls. Great.

"Stephanie! Wait up!" A very familiar voice shouted. I subtly slowed down.

"What do you want McDaniel?"

"You. But, seeing as you're stubborn, and need a little more buttering up, I want a rematch." He smirked.

"Ryder, maybe some other time. I'm really tired an-"

"Up all night thinking about me?" He smirked.

"No. But I was up all night, planning how to kill my mother. But close enough. Any ways, I'm not in the mood for another game of basket ball."

I turned to walk away from him, when he grabbed my arm. "Wait! I didn't mean in basket ball. I meant tonight."

I yanked my arm away, and rolled my eyes. "McDaniel, I don't know what type of sick dreams you've been having, but they need to stop. We will not be this 'rematch'." I snapped.

"Listen, Stephan-"



"Call me Stevie. I swear, I will punch you if you ever call me Stephanie again." I seethed. Like I said, I had no problem with the name, but I was in one of my moods.

"Okay... Stevie, I'm sorry for trying to be all mysterious, and leave out details. I meant I wanted a rematch with you tonight. You know. Racing?" 

I stared up at him. What. The. Hell. "McDaniel, that was you?" I hissed.

"Yeah. Can I just say one more thing?" He asked. I nodded and waited for him to continue. "Your ass looked great on your motorcycle."


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