Part 2

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Continuing John's P.O.V

Then I look over to the door it looked like it's was Eliza and her sisters. "Hi guys how are you?" Angelica asked we all answer kinda the same way but not. "Where's Alexander?" Eliza asked and I answered "He's getting his coffee but he'll be back in a second." Alexander and and put his coffee down and Eliza jumped in his arms "Alexander!❤" "Eliza!❤" and then they did some couple shit. Then I noticed Peggy and I blushed a little bit and I went over to say hi her "Hey Peggy how's it going?" She answered "um I'm doing great! And how about you?" I answered back "yeah I'm doing great too." We all stayed there for a couple of minutes and Angelica said she had an idea of what we could do tomorrow "We should all go to the beach and trust me it's summer so we need to get a bit of beach fun!" We all agree and we all went home Alexander is kinda my roommate and all night all I could think about is Peggy in a swim suit and I went to sleep. "JOHN WAKE UP COME ON GET READY AND DRESSED!!" Alexander was pulling and throwing pillows at me, I finally got up and I got dressed and ready and I was wearing my favorite turtle trunks Alex was wearing normal green one. "Come on John let's go!" So Alex was driving while I was day dreaming the whole time in the car ride to the Schuyler sister's house. So the Schuyler sisters got into the car Herc and laf were waiting for us already and they got a great spot and lucky for us not much people were there. When we got out I blushes a lot when I saw Peggy in her bathing suit it was nothing fancy it was cute it had laces on the top half and of course it was yellow. "I'M READY TO GET IN THE WATER BUT I DON'T ABOUT YOU GUYS!" Angelica yelled in excitement. Hercules was carrying Lafayette bridle style and Lafayette was screaming in french "OH MON DIEU HERCELUS! POURQUOI!? MES CHEVEUX VONT MOUILLER!" Lafayette yelled at Hercules.


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