I thank Vik as well as he continues to scream about a stubbed toe in the background. I feel a warm feeling in my chest and my heart beat fast as I realize how thankful I am for my friends. For Cal, Harry, Vik, Jide, everyone who has helped me through my time of sorrow. I lay on my side and continue to watch JJ and Vik scream on about his stubbed toe.



I lay in the darkness of my sheets, phone in hand as Simon talks about nothing in particular through facetime. In any other situation, I would probably warn Simon about his rambling, but this is okay. It is calming, seeing him sit in his hotel room chair, spinning around and playing with the top of his drink.

We have a moment of silence before I hear him mumble through the speakers, "Do you ever think we can, you know.. travel together?" I sit up to the question, and hesitantly answer with, "What do you have in mind?" He smiles, almost as if he is smirking, and confidently says, "Canada.." I smile at his response, imagining us in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the untouched mountains and nothing else.

"One day," I say, smiling as I see his teeth show through his silent smile. He lets out a drawn-out yawn before leaning back in his chair.

"Go to sleep babe," I say as I notice the bags forming under his eyes. He mumbles an 'okay' before we both say our goodbyes and hang up. I lean back with a smile on my face, before getting to work. I pull up google on my phone and search in the tab-

'Plane tickets to Ontario, Canada'.



I smile and let out a yawn before checking Twitter for a couple of minutes. I hear a knock on my door, expecting a wasted Cal and Elliot to come crashing in as soon as I open the door. I drop my phone onto the bed before opening the door to reveal the last thing I expected. I try to react but a blow to my stomach causes me to double over in pain. I feel my back being thrown against the wall before I hear his angry voice harshly whisper, "Did you really think you could fucking embarrass me like that? Huh? Fucking answer me!" He yells, slamming me harder against the wall. I let instinct take over as I bring my knee to his stomach, causing him to drop to the ground abruptly.

I take the opportunity to grab my phone and dial the only number that came to my head right now. I promised him I would tell him, right? Well if there was any time they could pull through, it would be right now. I watch the phone ring but it is quickly thrown across the room, probably shattered, as I am thrown onto the bed. He quickly straddles me, noticing struggling to fight over his dominant state. I feel something make contact to my face, and a stinging sensation of a hard slap take over my upper half. I lift my arm up to strike him, but it is quickly dodged by him grabbing my arm and holding it above my head. He gives me another blow as I struggle under him, causing me to grow dizzy, almost in a deleterious state.

I feel his hand reach for the waistband of my pants and I start to struggle under him, trying my best to scream out under his grasp. "Been really close to JJ lately, let's see what he thinks about you being a fucking slut." He says as he beings to pull my joggers down to my thighs. "No! No!" I scream as tears fun down my face. I feel his hand make his way to my pants, but a force is lifted off me as Josh lets out a shriek of surprise. I sit up to see Harry grabbing Josh by the back of his shirt, and connects his fist with Josh's face. Josh lets out a scream of anger before running out of the room and slamming the door in the process.

The only thing heard in the room is Harry's jagged breathing and my hiccups of pain. Harry quickly runs up to me, helping me pull up my joggers and keep my composure. He sits up on the bed next to me, hugging me from the side, letting my hot tears run along his shirt. At least I know he got my call, I don't know where I would be if I gave into Josh's text..

We stay like that for a few minutes before Harry decides to speak up.

"Simon... Do you want to stay here?" He mumbles, rubbing my shoulder reassuringly. I shake my head 'no' and sob harder against my knees.

"I don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere. I want Jide." I cry out, leaning my limp body against Harry, hoping he doesn't find me to be too much of a nuisance.

"Okay, we'll go right now.. but I have to tell JJ about this.." He says. I simply nod, knowing I cannot keep this secret from Jide. Getting beat up is something, but almost getting raped is a whole new level.

He pats me on the back before leading me out to his room..

"We'll fix this.."


This fic will prolly be over in a few chapters and I have fanfic #2 in a draft ;) This fanfic was fun to write but pretty basic. The next one is intense. Like gore n sex n shit. Assault? Sure why not man. -Oli :)

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