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Earth, a place that was once known for it's wonders and thriving living organisms many years ago. But now, the year is 2148 and Earth will never be the same as it would be remembered for. It's been twelve years that the Furlong Empire has been at war with the Monsur Rebels. Earth being their main battlefield, and it all started once we were able to inhabit humans to live in space stations, from Mars to Neptune, but the whole population knew to stay away from Planet U, for reasons only one can imagine. Eventually it was destroyed for a hyper-jump port, although rumors are still told to scare pirates from getting near, radioactive activity, vicious aliens, you name it. They were all false though. Earth became a desolate planet, Scavers, Pirates, Bounty Hunters and Rebels all inhabit earth now, or what's left of it. Danger lurks around every corner, there are few cities that are still running, but they were all remodeled to survive. I was born into the Monsur Rebels, living in Sask-12th District, the safe part of town. My dad raised me as being a mechanic, everything came to me smoothly, so I became both an engineer, inventor and mechanic just as my father was. Well in the year 2135, when I was 12, before the war, my father had passed on, leaving me to make my own destiny. He wanted me to stay and become a better mechanic, he had left me a pocket watch before he died, saying the answer to my questions was the watch. I wasn't sure what he had meant but I took care of the watch. My life-long friend, H, she had accompanied me, and had always comforted me when needed, I don't know what I'd do without her. I didn't want to stay in Sask as a mechanic, I wanted to leave earth and it seemed I'd never achieve my dream, that is, until the year 2148, sixth cycle of the moon phase beta, my life had changed forever. 

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