Chapter 8 - Virginal

Start from the beginning

 "See this around his neck?" Melissa said, pointing to the thin line of bruising just underneath his chin. "That's a ligature mark that means he was strangled with something like chord, rope,"

 "Okay, wait a second," said Stiles. "What kind of werewolf strangles someone?"

 "They don't," I said, squinting my eyes as further studied the wound.

 Melissa walked around to stand behind his head. "And then there's this," she said. She turned the head, revealing a thick and deep gash just above his ear. Blood was still dripping out of it and onto the metal table. 

 Stiles winced and drew back, looking away from the head wound. "Oh god what is that? Is that brain matter? Yeah, it's brain matter,"

 While Stiles continued to be squeamish at such a gory sight, I began putting it all together. "He was hit in the back of the head,"

 Melissa looked up at me, nodding. "Hard enough to kill him," she said. She took a step back, holding her hands out. "In fact any one of these things could have killed him I mean, someone really wanted this poor kid dead,"

 "So then this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora," I said. "They would have just ripped him to shreds, not taken the time to beat his head in and strangle him,"

 I looked over at Stiles. His eyes were darting around, they way they always do when he's thinking. They paused and glanced from Melissa to me. "So maybe it's not connected, that this is just one murder, a random coincidence,"

 "I don't think it was just one," said Melissa with a soft sigh.

 "How come?" Stiles asked. 

 "Because that girl over there," said Melissa, bobbing her head towards another body covered by a white sheet. "She's got the exact same injuries,"

 Melissa walked over to the table, Stiles following. My legs felt like lead as I slowly made my way over to stand next to Stiles. I watched with bated breath as Melissa drew back the white sheet. I watched as my worst fear became a reality.

 "The doctor said that this one wasn't just strangled. Whoever did it used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through the rope and you just kinda keep twisting,"

 I walked backwards, my entire body shaking. My back hit the wall and in that same moment it felt like everything shattered. I put a hand over my mouth to try and stifle my sobs. I squeezed my eyes shut, not being able to bear looking at her body any longer. I don't want to see Heather like this.

 "Emma?" Melissa said.

 Stiles turned around to see me pushing myself further into the wall. "Emma," he said, coming over to me. He went to grab my hands, but I swatted him away. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach and I couldn't catch my breath.

 "No, no," I mumbled.

 "Oh my god, did you know her?" Melissa asked me.

 She pulled the sheet back over her face. I was glad for this. It felt like a thousand stabs to the chest seeing her lay there, her skin colorless and her lips cracked and purple. She was always so full of life and energy. Now, time seemed to stand as still as her corpse. Nothing moved, and everything went cold.

 I choked on one of my sobs, trying to swallow it down. I nodded my head. Sucking in a deep breath, I wiped away my tears. "We...we were at her party," I said. My throat went so dry it felt like I had swallowed gravel. "It was her birthday,"

 My bottom lip quivered as I looked back at the white sheet that covered my childhood friend. My knees buckled underneath me and I had to catch myself against the wall. For a moment I thought I was going to throw up right then and there.

Oblivion (A Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf Fanfiction) [3]Where stories live. Discover now