The Letter

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Dear Connor West

It is hard sometimes. To be the nice one. To be the compassionate one. It's hard to be the one who mutes out everybody else's opinion and instead following what you think is right

                 It's hard. 

Which is why that when you do do those things, you are incredible

                Thank you Connor West, for being kind and choosing the hard choice. 

We all know that a rumour has the capability of ruining someones life.  A rumour is simply a game of Chinese Whispers, when you one person whispers something and then by the end of it, it's completely changed. Different shapes and forms, you know? One big fat lie.

               But when had it changed for me?  

I didn't know - heck I still don't know, but I'm sure as hell thankful Connor West for choosing not to listen to the end product and listen to my version of the story. The true version of the story, the real version. Because there really were two people as witnesses that night, me and him. No one else. 

Although this isn't really what I wanted to talk about in this letter because I have to keep it short. Keeping it short is easier, because then I hopefully won't have to miss you as much and you won't have to hate me more from the words that you may think that I write right now are untrue.

                 Don't hate me.  

That May 8th when you walked up to me in the hallway that day when I had been sitting alone was a highlight in my life. Because I met you for the first time, and we became best friends. I'm sorry I ruined it by wanting more and that people decided to twit and manipulate our relationship with one and another. 

I didn't want your life to be ruined by the schools slut/psycho, so I made the right, hard and kind decision of leaving. Just as you had for me, when you chose me instead of those imbeciles, so now I'm choosing you instead of myself. 

Instead I've left for you to I've a happy, carefree life like you had been before you did sit next to me that May 8th, 

                 When I ruined your life. 

So I'm currently sitting on a plain grubby old table with a chair that's about to break, writing to you because this is the first thing I wanted to do, talk to you because I haven't for a while let's be honest. 

I dont regret my decision of leaving, although I left behind some great memories and my childhood, I also left you in a better position where you can be happy. Im happy that I chose the kind path and left you to be your good old self.

That boy who has an obsession with birds, who hates liquorice and loves icing on cakes. 

I love you Connor West, I hope you love me back. 

Me. X

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