Chapter 1

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Elizabeth slowly opens her eyes to the sounds of birds tweeting. Elizabeth looked around foggy as she sat up and started to rub her eyes.

"Ellie! You better get up before Veronica comes up there!" Her oldest sister yelled. Faster than she has ever moved, she was out of her bed and in her usual outfit.

Elizabeth's outfit was simple, as it was only a puffy shirt that ended halfway​ down her stomach. Her shirt also scrunched up at the top to show off her breasts. All held together with a dark vest. Her shirt was small and frilly, as it stopped at the bottom crease of her butt. She slipped on a brown leather belt on before she walked out of her room, making sure she did not leave her earring behind.

"Good morning sisters, father." Elizabeth says as she makes her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. When she got into the kitchen, she saw her sister Margret cooking like usual in her short and frilly apron. She wore her signature headband and had an outfit similar to hers. "Good morning Ellie, did you sleep well?" she asks as she sets some blueberry waffles in front of her.

"OK I guess, I had that dream again." Elizabeth sighed as she starts to eat her food. Bartra raised an eyebrow, " Again? When was the last time you had this dream, dear. Do you need someone to talk to?" Elizabeth shook her head no as her mouth was full of waffles. Veronica came up behind her, "Was it the blonde Inu again?"

Elizabeth all of a sudden choked on her food at what she said and started to blush. It was true though, for the past 3 years that is all she thought about. 'I wonder who is this man in my dream is? I wish he could take me away from all of this.' Elizabeth thought as her blush grew and she glared at Veronica. 'But I can't. My sisters needs me right now, especially since Margret is getting married to the Mayor's son.'  

"Hellllooo! Earth to Elizabeth, are you there?!" Elizabeth snapped out of her thoughts as she saw a very impatient Veronica staring down at her. "I'm sorry, I was just, uhm, thinking about what I should do with Diane today before she leaves to see her friends out of our village." Elizabeth hated lying to her sister, but it wasn't a lie that she was going to see Diane, her best friend, before she leaves for a few weeks.

"I was saying, that I'm gonna go on a hunting trip with Howzer, Grimore, Guila, and Jericho. And Margret is spending a week or two with Gil and meeting his father. So it is just going to be you and father here alone." Veronica says as she scarfs down her food. Elizabeth's eyes widened for a split second before she casted her gaze down at her food before anyone saw. "Isn't that great, honey? I have been meaning to making time for me and you to have some bonding time." Bartra says as he goes back to reading his book.

"Yeah." Elizabeth rasped. "Are you OK, Ellie? You are not coming down with anything are you?" Margret asks worriedly as she looked at her sister in fear and worry. Elizabeth shook her head again and shoved the rest of her breakfast into her mouth as she walked to the door and grabbed her basket and her red hood she always wore outside. "I'm fine, its' just I think I left Diane waiting long enough. You know how her patience is." Was all she said before she walked out the door before her sisters or father could say another word.

Elizabeth hurried down the dirt path that led out of the forest and into the village. Elizabeth's family could never deal with all of the people near them, unlike Elizabeth who rather enjoyed all of the people and the kids. 'I can't believe I'm going to be alone with him! They know what he does and yet, no matter how many times I sacrifice the things I love, they get to do what ever they want!' Elizabeth sighs, "I just wish they would listen to me and quite using me."

"Who is using you?" Elizabeth shrieked as she whipped her head to the man's voice. The man was short and had amber hair and odd clothes. "No one, are you OK sir? Are you lost?" She asks in worry. "Actually, I'm looking for a village that my friend lives in. Do you know where Danafor is?" Elizabeth's eyes light up, "That is where I'm going, do you want to join me?" The man looked unsure, "A-are you s-s-s-sure? I am just a stranger, how can you trust me?" Elizabeth stood there for a while, 'How can I trust him?' Elizabeth thought. "OH! you are making sure if I'm OK with taking you somewhere and you haven't looked at me in any such way, so that is how I can trust you!" Elizabeth exclaims as she sets her hands on her hips in victory.

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